Bible Zone: Enter with wonder!

Our dedication is to Jehovah our Salvation, Jesus the Christ our Lord and our God. This same dedication is by HIS work in us as we move at HIS direction in Zambia, Africa. Holiness by HIS Grace, the gift of eternal life in Jesus, is our desire for the Tribal People of Africa; that they may turn to HIM receiving forgiveness, remission of sin, just as we have received according to the Scripture.

Phil and Melody Stephens, Servants of Jesus the Christ

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Where HE leads!

They needed cement, so away to Kooma with 2 preachers. The Church is building and so I am the gopher. As we journey, I teach along the way. Called discipleship. Jesus did it.

On our return journey, I was tired, old you know. I was talking to myself, under my breath, "...I sure am tired but think I will take a left turn and go thru the forest. Yeah, I know it would feel good to get home and drink a Coke a bite...take a short nap...but the drive is so magnificent, trees, birds, (and sometimes the Lord chimes in and I think I am still myself)... wonder about those huts where no one is ever seen, they seem kind of mysterious...yeah I'll go that way...."

"LOOK OUT YOU MISSED THE WAYS" Pastor Mwaanga shouts.
"Pepe (NO), I decided to go this way." "Why?" "Not sure."

"Hey men, look at all those people, let's stop give them some Gospels (booklets)".

Well we did and guess what, it was the Lord that interrupted and I did not know it until the people begged us to bring them a Church. The mysterious huts were overun with people. One was the village headman, Simon Siachibondo. They told us they had no Church, no Bibles and no teaching about Jesus who they heard of but did not know HIM.
April 24-25 we will return by the hand of the LORD and hold meetings to introduce them to our best Friend, Jesus our Savior, the Savior of the world. Don't tell me talking to yourself in a sign of being crazy. The Lord can interrupt at any time. . .specially when HE has a road for us to follow.

Off to the 4x4 races with in the old Gospel truck, best race ever; Jesus: owner, designer, driver, mechanic, and power fuel. I just go along for the ride...look out, we are crashing the gates of hell!!!

OK so I am crazy. As my old friend Bob used to say, " you don't have to be crazy to be a missionary, but it helps.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Remembering the Joy!

The night was late, the meetings were over, the fires had died down. It was the first time our people from Habanyuka valley had come up from the valley to meet with the Church at Sinamanjolo.

We had great evening of teaching, preaching and singing. The old white man was in his tent and the visitors from the valley were settling down in the Church building for the night. It is their custom to be talking as they go to bed and suddenly, as if on cue they are just silent.

This night all became quiet for a moment and then, they began to sing. Sweet Zambian song called the Worshipping Song. Then they began to pray. They were thanking God for saving them, for leading them safely here, for teaching them, for loving them. As they prayed, I wept...for those yet lost but mostly tears of deep joy unspeakable for what our great God and Savior Jesus Christ had done with this remote people of the bush.

So they were praying, I was thrilled and suddenly...quiet. They went to sleep praying. I feel sure that Jehovah, Jesus the Son given, the Everlasting Father was watching with healing in HIS wings and love that we cannot express adequately with words of that He expressed in the Word become flesh who died for us and for these people who have believed here on the dark continent.

Thank you dearest Lord Jesus for letting me serve you, a messenger to those in this place and in this darkness that they may see the great Light.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Glory Story Book 2 Story 3

Bernard, "How are you this morning?" Phil, "Just OK, but many problems (coolant leak in Melody's car trouble repairing, logistics of the day for 2 journey's into bush etc.) but God is bigger than our problems."
Little Later:
Pastor Mwaanga, "Just got good news from Victory Baptist in Habanyuka. Many that were at funeral (see Book2 Glory Story 2) where you spoke last week are coming to Church. They wrote the old white Madala (Phil, oh that's me) a long letter of thanks for the message, but it was too long for Richard's cell phone text message. "
Little jig danced,
Little shouting hallelujah,
Thanksgiving offered to Jesus!
Phil, "Did you tell Bernard yet?" Mwaanga "No, not yet." Phil, "Bernard, come here. What did I tell you earlier? God is bigger than our problems. This is how HE is bigger than our problems. The car may still leak, we may not get our program finished, but listen to what HE has done in Habanyuka."
Pastor Mwaanga to Bernard:
"Kabotu, story in Tonga dialect to Bernard...." Bernard, "Our God has blessed us"
Huge grin while speaking,
Rejoicing by 3 men,
Glory of the Lord Jesus revealed this morning,
See Psalm 24 and Galatians 1:1-5 and Ephesians 1:17-20
...That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Book 2 Glory Story 2

They were wailing. The darkness of despair was on them. A Madala ( old man) had died. The ancestral spirits, familiar spirits condemned by the LORD, cast out by Jesus, pretending to be dead ancestors were tormenting them. Fear of death prevailed. Hope of favor from enchantments, wizardry, spells of pacifying the 'spirits'; not being the one blamed for his death by a witch finder, dim hope indeed, hung a pall of evil over the gathering.

And so I was brought to this scene of agony, tragedy, wickedness of worship in the kingdom of Satan. My friends, it is not "mental", it is spiritual darkness, very real, magic that brings literal, deadly, effect that is supernatural and manifested physically in things impossible to humanly perform. It is not light, smoke and mirrors. It is the work of the spirit of iniquity, directed by a real adversary, the king of devils, Satan.

Into this scene came Light, the Life of Jesus the Light of the world, the Word of God who became flesh and lived among us, whose glory we beheld, the glory of the only begotten of the Father, the child born, the Son given who is the Everlasting Father. In Him is Life, eternal Life that lights every man that comes into the world...this very one who came to destroy these works of the Devil. It is in the Book. It is the record. It is a record of Jehovah our salvation, JESUS.

After speaking this Word, Jesus to this gathering, the second born of the dead Madala asked for these words of the Jesus be brought to his home. By the power, protection, provision, of the MIGHTY GOD, the Son of the government of Jehovah, a government of love, mercy, grace to those that believe, judgment and perdition to those that refuse, the Son of God in whom we live and have our being...WE WILL GO!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Glory Story: Book 2 Story Number 1

"Let's go visit Siawela and Tankali. They live on the side of the second gorge from Loyd." "Can I drive the 4x4 there?" "No you have to walk but it is only about a kilometer away." "Remind me who they are." "They are the old couple that are faithful members here at our Church (Victory Baptist Habanyuka). You know the old man 70 or 80 years old." "OH yeah, but can I make?!???" "Sure you can."

FAMOUS almost last words on this earth for me. We did, and I think I died twice but God revived must have revived me cause here I are. But it was worth it. They are precious. They are old Zambians that Jesus snatched
out of darkness and shifted them to the Kingdom of Light through HIS ministry in Habanyuka. So here are a couple of Pictures. Just got in from bush, bushed. Another story or 3 this week. Hey if it was easy and paid a lot, everyone would want to do it. BUT, nobody would love it more than me.

Thank you LORD Jesus for choosing me to come here. I bow in thanksgiving for your wondrous love! Truly YOURS forever, Phil.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

When its time to go, its time to go!

His Dad, Albert, Headman of Kooma, faithful member of Kooma Baptist Church, called on cell phone...
"Cryson's animal injured him"...
Phil, "Come again"
"Cryson animal injured him, he bleeds from mouth"...
"A cow injured him?"
"Ayaaa, knocked him, he's coughing blood"
"Did cow step on him?"
"Ayaaee, 3 times and knocked him with horns, no transport can you come?"
"No, the bush truck broken, maybe bearings in alternator broken, will repair tomorrow."
"OK, see you."

LORD (to my heart, as tears came to my eyes)... "Look and see what problem is."
Phil, "Sure it is alternator..."
"Look and see"

Out the door, under the hood, saw the problem a tension pulley for the A/C...took off the belt and pulley...and away I go in the African night riding with Jesus to the rescue....praying, singing, praising, pleading and knowing that there was no place on earth I would rather be, thanking God for letting me do what I do...and asking my Heavenly Father for protection for Cryson, a faithful follower of Jesus, as it sounded that he had a broken rib puncturing his lung.

Well, picked up (literally) the patient, took him to hospital, doctor there but did nothing until morning. The cow (all his animals weigh over 900 pounds) stepped right on his chest over the heart. He was spitting blood.

Next day the X-rays showed....NO BROKEN RIBS.... now who do you suppose arranged that? I know! Cryson is a small man with small bones, the cow was a big cow with huge hooves, God is a great God and Saviour with great love, and He loves us and He loves to protect HIS own, HE loves to answer prayer.

Picture is Cryson and his wife when I took them home yesterday. Sore, muscles injured, but safe in the care of Jesus! I love this know, me and Jesus in the bush...' in joy and in sorrow, today and tomorrow, I know HE will walk with me!' Yes, 'Jesus will walk with me down through the valley... when in the sunshine or when in the shadow, if HE goes with me I shall not complain' what a song! 'Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for THOU art with me...' what a Psalm (23) comfort is in Jesus my Saviour who is with me to the end of the world (Matthew 28:20)! Rodeo for Jesus, just open the chute and let er rip! Sorry Texas just pops out from time to time.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Grand Ma, loving Jesus

Walked into the Church building at Highway Baptist Church (bush highway, like, two ruts between and over rocks and weaving among trees and bumping over the roots...I love it...Highway to Heaven) and there she is. Grandma, faithful in loving Jesus. First one there for services. Walks with limp and creaking bones from her home over a half kilometer away, uphill (no, not both ways), a very rocky path, BAREFOOT.

Faithful, loving, kind. She half curtsies (far as she can bend) and folds her hands over her heart when she greets me. When I return the greeting in Tonga, her face comes alive with a 'quarter' of a toothy grin.

Yessiree, when Church is on she is there. I dread the day when she is not present, cause most likely it won't be sickness that prevents her coming; she will be with Jesus and I will weep for joy for her and I will weep because I will miss her love of the LORD she shares with me. Love that comes from saving Grace of Jesus who died for her, forgave her sins and rose from the dead.

Grandma, I love you and I love the Jesus you love. Thank you and sleep well tonight in HIS care.

Phil, your friend

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Following Jesus, called to serve

He said, "I was blinded until I came to the Bible Study on 'Christ Who is Our Life' you were teaching at Victoria Falls. I had seen in the Churches those claiming to be with Jesus, but were still doing witchcraft. All the Churches at Songwe my home village were just that way."

Then he told me, "First I went to be Rastafarian, they have no rules, you do what you want, drugs, drinking, sex what what. Now I could not see and lost my way in my family, my life was darkness and sin."

"At your Bible Study I saw there was joy. One day I came and heard why there was joy. The joy was the real Jesus of the Bible. I now was knowing to understand what He did for me and that His life would change me, give me new life. I believed Him and gave myself to Him."

Next he told me, "I cut my dreads, (dread locks) and stopped the life of sin by Jesus power. I was reading my Bible and it was alive now."

This week he informed me, "I want to be with you in ministry, I desire to learn more of Bible to understand from you" Later that day he said, "No matter what it costs, I will walk in HIS will and work every day. When it is time to go for Him, call me I will be ready and Jesus will take care of me and my family."

Today he went with me to Kooma to minister with me in the school (Melody could not go). His wife came into town and is in Bible Study with Melody as she teaches Zambian ladies. This is their picture at top of page.

He is Jacob Nasibebo. His wife is Veronica.

And the picture below is their kitchen he has converted to a Bible Study room and family prayer room where they read the Bible and pray every morning. Now that it the good works of Jesus Christ in, through and for those that are His workmanship, Ephesians 2:10

Saturday, March 6, 2010

God's will becomes our life

Since visiting a village of Mukuni Kingdom near Victoria Falls 2 weeks ago, I have been praying if the Lord was directing us to begin a Bible Study in view of planting a Baptist Church. There is no Baptist Church in the Royal village or near it on the Vic Falls side. On that side there are 3 villages and a Zesco Electric company compound with over 200 homes.

We have a guest in Medical profession visiting. We were invited by Mukuni Clinic to come to palace and meet the Chief's wife and see if our guest could hel
p the Clinic. Mrs. Mukuni extended a gracious reception and plea to come help 2 days a week. In this process, I mentioned meeting with Chief re: the Bible Study. The Chief has been a friend since 2002 and his wife said surely that would be good.

Later that day, my wife and our guest, Tammie Lee, toured the village with long time friend Lumba. While they were on the tour, I met the Prime Minister of Mukuni Kingdom and one of Palace staff in meeting seen above gave me the Chief's cell phone number and said call him Sunday morning.

BUT WAIT, it gets better. When God is in something, has a will a
nd desire for our direction, has a willing, yielded and seeking worshipper, HE will direct the paths. Roadblocks disappear. Difficulties turn to opportunity. Obstacles are overcome. Defeat turns to VICTORY IN JESUS!

In the late afternoon, back on the Mukuni Village Road hoping to show our guest elephants, we passed Chief Mukuni. I did not know his vehicle, but as we passed each other he stuck his hand out the window and stopped. I stopped, we got out in the middle of the road, and had a GOD meeting. He welcomed us to come
to his Chiefdom, follow the leading of the LORD and feel free because many of his people were not in any Church.

So we saddle up. Remember Jacob, Jesus man on fire for the LORD, and Winsha a few stories back? This area mentioned above is their home area. God saw the need, saw the solution, sent the men.

Hallelujah for Jesus who kicked the doors down, revealed his Right Hand of Victory (Psalm 98) and
moved Chief Mukuni the LION KING (seriously, that is his title) in one day.

Let's roll. As the plane of this world is crashing, we are charging the enemy with the Word of GOD! HE will win, got the Book on it.

Oh by the way, below is Chief Mukuni, the LION KING, talking to an old man that loves being led by Jesus day by

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Glory Story; Final thoughts on last weekend!

See these precious little ones. Look closely. They are the future of the work of Jehovah to man. They will be what they learn. Oh, I know, genetics is the major component of their lives. Seth was made in the image of Adam. BUT, our God can 'quicken them' for His purpose and works among the children of men by what they learn of Jesus the Messiah appointed our Savior.

This is a good start start, the House of the God, the Congregation of the Assembly, the Church of the living God, people saved (delivered from death by their sin, forgiven in Jesus), baptized obediently showing the story of the Gospel, following Jesus, meeting together for that purpose.

And what do they learn there? What do the 'grayhairs' teach them? I pray it is the things found in Psalm 71. Here are a few of the verses;
1 In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion.
2 Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to escape: incline thine ear unto me, and save me.
3 Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort: thou hast given commandment to save me; for thou art my rock and my fortress....
7 I am as a wonder unto many; but thou art my strong refuge....
9 Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth....
14 But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more....
18 Now also when I am old and greyheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have showed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come....
24 My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness all the day long....

Remember this, in verse 7 of Psalm 71, people may look on us as a 'wonder'. But we always know that it is God our 'refuge' Who is our hope, trust, might and power, refuge from who we are without HIM. Psalm 41:1 & 8 with Hebrews 13:5-6. Phil

PS: Not on a soapbox but for continuity of thought I use the KJV. May be antiquated but still most consistent in connectivity OLD and NEW Covenants.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Glory Story #3 Habanyuka

Given is a man of God, servant's heart for Jesus. He and his wife refused traditional medicine (witchcraft) when she was very sick, even in face of threats from their families. They were told they were refusing the Ancestral Spirits and would be punish by their dead ancestors. "We are with Jesus" they proclaimed. And by the next day she was well.

3 weeks ago he went on visitation with us while in the throes of malaria, shivering, high fever etc. The picture shows Given that day on the far left. Serving in midst of trouble. Stalwart and a true soldier of the Christ the LORD.

This past Sunday he came forward at the end of service with 2 requests for prayer. One he said was not so important, constant headaches which are probably sinus pressure...diagnosis by Dr. Phil. But most important, "I want to be more 'faithiful' to Jesus every day." What about that?!

Oh the Grace of God that brings salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world (Titus 2:11-12).

LORD, may I desire the same as Given!

Glory Story #2 Habanyuka

Pastor Breyford Mwaanga and his wife Leona with son James (seen at breakfast table) are planning to move to Habanyuka this month. HOWEVER, Leona was raised in town; so village life plus a new place she did not know were causing her to struggle a bit.

As we were driving into the valley, a loooooonngggg ruuufffff... road(1st), oxcart trail, opening among the trees and rocks, pot hole expressway (the rest), well little of the first, lot of the rest, I asked her if the mountains, hills and valleys were beautiful. NO!

I have been praying, I had a trusted friend in the valley praying. My wife has been praying (not 100% sure what as she does not want our 'grandi', James, leaving us) but surely for Leona's peace of heart in moving to Habanyuka.

Sunday morning Leona just got the kids together, took some teen girls to help and out the door to the Sunday School place (shade tree) she went and taught. Then in the main service, this was her testimony given by her husband as she is really shy. 'I had seen the pictures of this place. I have heard of the people. I have now seen the place. I have met you. The struggle is over'.

Glory, praise HIS dear Name, Jesus is the mover of hearts of men, women, boys and girls. I looked at my praying friend.... :>)
He looked at Phil.... :> )

Jesus is on throne!

See ya in the funny papers, laughs on the Devil.