Bible Zone: Enter with wonder!

Our dedication is to Jehovah our Salvation, Jesus the Christ our Lord and our God. This same dedication is by HIS work in us as we move at HIS direction in Zambia, Africa. Holiness by HIS Grace, the gift of eternal life in Jesus, is our desire for the Tribal People of Africa; that they may turn to HIM receiving forgiveness, remission of sin, just as we have received according to the Scripture.

Phil and Melody Stephens, Servants of Jesus the Christ

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Where HE leads!

They needed cement, so away to Kooma with 2 preachers. The Church is building and so I am the gopher. As we journey, I teach along the way. Called discipleship. Jesus did it.

On our return journey, I was tired, old you know. I was talking to myself, under my breath, "...I sure am tired but think I will take a left turn and go thru the forest. Yeah, I know it would feel good to get home and drink a Coke a bite...take a short nap...but the drive is so magnificent, trees, birds, (and sometimes the Lord chimes in and I think I am still myself)... wonder about those huts where no one is ever seen, they seem kind of mysterious...yeah I'll go that way...."

"LOOK OUT YOU MISSED THE WAYS" Pastor Mwaanga shouts.
"Pepe (NO), I decided to go this way." "Why?" "Not sure."

"Hey men, look at all those people, let's stop give them some Gospels (booklets)".

Well we did and guess what, it was the Lord that interrupted and I did not know it until the people begged us to bring them a Church. The mysterious huts were overun with people. One was the village headman, Simon Siachibondo. They told us they had no Church, no Bibles and no teaching about Jesus who they heard of but did not know HIM.
April 24-25 we will return by the hand of the LORD and hold meetings to introduce them to our best Friend, Jesus our Savior, the Savior of the world. Don't tell me talking to yourself in a sign of being crazy. The Lord can interrupt at any time. . .specially when HE has a road for us to follow.

Off to the 4x4 races with in the old Gospel truck, best race ever; Jesus: owner, designer, driver, mechanic, and power fuel. I just go along for the ride...look out, we are crashing the gates of hell!!!

OK so I am crazy. As my old friend Bob used to say, " you don't have to be crazy to be a missionary, but it helps.

1 comment:

  1. They thought Noah was a crazy koot building the ark, I'll bet. Crazy helps. :)
