His Dad, Albert, Headman of Kooma, faithful member of Kooma Baptist Church, called on cell phone...
"Cryson's animal injured him"...
Phil, "Come again"
"Cryson animal injured him, he bleeds from mouth"...
"A cow injured him?"
"Ayaaa, knocked him, he's coughing blood"
"Did cow step on him?"
"Ayaaee, 3 times and knocked him with horns, no transport can you come?"
"No, the bush truck broken, maybe bearings in alternator broken, will repair tomorrow."
"OK, see you."
LORD (to my heart, as tears came to my eyes)... "Look and see what problem is."
Phil, "Sure it is alternator..."
"Look and see"
Out the door, under the hood, saw the problem a tension pulley for the A/C...took off the belt and pulley...and away I go in the African night riding with Jesus to the rescue....praying, singing, praising, pleading and knowing that there was no place on earth I would rather be, thanking God for letting me do what I do...and asking my Heavenly Father for protection for Cryson, a faithful follower of Jesus, as it sounded that he had a broken rib puncturing his lung.
Well, picked up (literally) the patient, took him to hospital, doctor there but did nothing until morning. The cow (all his animals weigh over 900 pounds) stepped right on his chest over the heart. He was spitting blood.
Next day the X-rays showed....NO BROKEN RIBS.... now who do you suppose arranged that? I know! Cryson is a small man with small bones, the cow was a big cow with huge hooves, God is a great God and Saviour with great love, and He loves us and He loves to protect HIS own, HE loves to answer prayer.
Picture is Cryson and his wife when I took them home yesterday. Sore, muscles injured, but safe in the care of Jesus! I love this life...you know, me and Jesus in the bush...' in joy and in sorrow, today and tomorrow, I know HE will walk with me!' Yes, 'Jesus will walk with me down through the valley... when in the sunshine or when in the shadow, if HE goes with me I shall not complain' what a song! 'Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for THOU art with me...' what a Psalm (23)...my comfort is in Jesus my Saviour who is with me to the end of the world (Matthew 28:20)! Rodeo for Jesus, just open the chute and let er rip! Sorry Texas just pops out from time to time.
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