He said, "I was blinded until I came to the Bible Study on 'Christ Who is Our Life' you were teaching at Victoria Falls. I had seen in the Churches those claiming to be with Jesus, but were still doing witchcraft. All the Churches at Songwe my home village were just that way."
Then he told me, "First I went to be Rastafarian, they have no rules, you do what you want, drugs, drinking, sex what what. Now I could not see and lost my way in my family, my life was darkness and sin."
"At your Bible Study I saw there was joy. One day I came and heard why there was joy. The joy was the real Jesus of the Bible. I now was knowing to understand what He did for me and that His life would change me, give me new life. I believed Him and gave myself to Him."
Next he told me, "I cut my dreads, (dread locks) and stopped the life of sin by Jesus power. I was reading my Bible and it was alive now."
This week he informed me, "I want to be with you in ministry, I desire to learn more of Bible to understand from you" Later that day he said, "No matter what it costs, I will walk in HIS will and work every day. When it is time to go for Him, call me I will be ready and Jesus will take care of me and my family."
Today he went with me to Kooma to minister with me in the school (Melody could not go). His wife came into town and is in Bible Study with Melody as she teaches Zambian ladies. This is their picture at top of page.
He is Jacob Nasibebo. His wife is Veronica.
And the picture below is their kitchen he has converted to a Bible Study room and family prayer room where they read the Bible and pray every morning. Now that it the good works of Jesus Christ in, through and for those that are His workmanship, Ephesians 2:10
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