They were wailing. The darkness of despair was on them. A Madala ( old man) had died. The ancestral spirits, familiar spirits condemned by the LORD, cast out by Jesus, pretending to be dead ancestors were tormenting them. Fear of death prevailed. Hope of favor from enchantments, wizardry, spells of pacifying the 'spirits'; not being the one blamed for his death by a witch finder, dim hope indeed, hung a pall of evil over the gathering.
And so I was brought to this scene of agony, tragedy, wickedness of worship in the kingdom of Satan. My friends, it is not "mental", it is spiritual darkness, very real, magic that brings literal, deadly, effect that is supernatural and manifested physically in things impossible to humanly perform. It is not light, smoke and mirrors. It is the work of the spirit of iniquity, directed by a real adversary, the king of devils, Satan.
Into this scene came Light, the Life of Jesus the Light of the world, the Word of God who became flesh and lived among us, whose glory we beheld, the glory of the only begotten of the Father, the child born, the Son given who is the Everlasting Father. In Him is Life, eternal Life that lights every man that comes into the world...this very one who came to destroy these works of the Devil. It is in the Book. It is the record. It is a record of Jehovah our salvation, JESUS.
After speaking this Word, Jesus to this gathering, the second born of the dead Madala asked for these words of the Jesus be brought to his home. By the power, protection, provision, of the MIGHTY GOD, the Son of the government of Jehovah, a government of love, mercy, grace to those that believe, judgment and perdition to those that refuse, the Son of God in whom we live and have our being...WE WILL GO!
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