Since visiting a village of Mukuni Kingdom near Victoria Falls 2 weeks ago, I have been praying if the Lord was directing us to begin a Bible Study in view of planting a Baptist Church. There is no Baptist Church in the Royal village or near it on the Vic Falls side. On that side there are 3 villages and a Zesco Electric company compound with over 200 homes.
We have a guest in Medical profession visiting. We were invited by Mukuni Clinic to come to palace and meet the Chief's wife and see if our guest could help the Clinic. Mrs. Mukuni extended a gracious reception and plea to come help 2 days a week. In this process, I mentioned meeting with Chief re: the Bible Study. The Chief has been a friend since 2002 and his wife said surely that would be good.
Later that day, my wife and our guest, Tammie Lee, toured the village with long time friend Lumba. While they were on the tour, I met the Prime Minister of Mukuni Kingdom and one of Palace staff in meeting seen above gave me the Chief's cell phone number and said call him Sunday morning.
BUT WAIT, it gets better. When God is in something, has a will and desire for our direction, has a willing, yielded and seeking worshipper, HE will direct the paths. Roadblocks disappear. Difficulties turn to opportunity. Obstacles are overcome. Defeat turns to VICTORY IN JESUS!
In the late afternoon, back on the Mukuni Village Road hoping to show our guest elephants, we passed Chief Mukuni. I did not know his vehicle, but as we passed each other he stuck his hand out the window and stopped. I stopped, we got out in the middle of the road, and had a GOD meeting. He welcomed us to come to his Chiefdom, follow the leading of the LORD and feel free because many of his people were not in any Church.
So we saddle up. Remember Jacob, Jesus man on fire for the LORD, and Winsha a few stories back? This area mentioned above is their home area. God saw the need, saw the solution, sent the men.
Hallelujah for Jesus who kicked the doors down, revealed his Right Hand of Victory (Psalm 98) and moved Chief Mukuni the LION KING (seriously, that is his title) in one day.
Let's roll. As the plane of this world is crashing, we are charging the enemy with the Word of GOD! HE will win, got the Book on it.
Oh by the way, below is Chief Mukuni, the LION KING, talking to an old man that loves being led by Jesus day by

That's SO cool Phil. What a perfect place for an Oak of Righteousness, a planting of the Lord. May it grow as HUGE as the meeting tree right in the middle of the village. :)