Bible Zone: Enter with wonder!

Our dedication is to Jehovah our Salvation, Jesus the Christ our Lord and our God. This same dedication is by HIS work in us as we move at HIS direction in Zambia, Africa. Holiness by HIS Grace, the gift of eternal life in Jesus, is our desire for the Tribal People of Africa; that they may turn to HIM receiving forgiveness, remission of sin, just as we have received according to the Scripture.

Phil and Melody Stephens, Servants of Jesus the Christ

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Birth of Christ the Lord

YES and Zacherias, filled with the Holy Spirit, Jehovah Himself, said: a horn of salvation raised up, One declared by HIS holy prophets, since the world began! YES, that would be Jesus Messiah. And Luke said later in his letter to Theophilus concerning our Faith, which Faith is the One whom we surely believe, that Jesus the Christ and Lord is Savior to all people. YES, and Zacherias, father of John the Baptist, explained the result of our Faith; now look at this { = : () result will be that "we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might [be enabled] to serve HIM without fear in holiness and righteousness before HIM, all the days of our Life"!!!! Do not fall into the trap that because you or someone you told of Christ the Lord has LIFE eternal because of repeating some words or saying a 'sinners prayer'. The Life of Christ, Christ Himself will change us if we have HIM. By repentant obedient Faith we have 'days of our Life', His life in us. We will serve Him in HIS holiness and righteousness if He is our Life, our confession which means agreeing with Him unto His righteousness having received forgiveness of sin by His sacrifice and new birth by His favor and a new creature by His workmanship.

Now that is the Story of our celebration of Jesus Christ birth! That is why Pastor Jacob lays a foundation with his Children's ministry, the Only Foundation, Jesus Christ the Lord! Picture is practice with Jacob's ministry for children to present this very holiness and righteousness being born unto us the Savior (as told by Luke the Doctor) in drama to people of Nsongwe area of Mukuni Chiefdom. Glory in highest, the Lord Himself appeared in flesh by virgin birth to die in our place and give us Eternal Life, which Life is HIS life in us if we believe to the saving of our soul!

Blessed Christmas, Phil and Melody

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Bible Conference

Friday December 2, 2011: Here they come from Maluma Baptist arriving after an hour and 20 minute walk thru the bush. Laughing, happy, mostly youth and children...oh glory the whole choir has come! Let the rejoicing begin! ------ Morning Bible Session over and Eliot Kanyama, one of first to come to the early Gospel meetings that became Highway Baptist Church [now do not be disillusioned, this Church is in the bush, but they wanted to be known as a Highway to Heaven] said he wished to speak with me. Eliot has been off and on faithful with some failures of pride inspired by that Old Serpent, the Devil. ----- Eliot has been very humble for the last 7 months, the most faithful to work with Pastor Costa in the ministry of Jesu Kristo in the Sinamanjolo village area. We sat together and Eliot told me he was reading in Isaiah when the Lord asked who will go for ME! Eliot said the Lord moved his heart to be one to say "here I am, send me". ----- Eliot continued, "I prayed then told my wife what the Lord wanted from us...we prayed together and agreed that we would be serving the Lord where ever he sent us. Pastor Phil, we will go where they need the Gospel, even if it is far, not for benefit, but for the work of Jesu." ----- Now that is the reason Melody and I came to Africa, lead them to love Christ so when HE tells them "follow me" they will do just that! A glorious, rejoicing, Texas 'hallelukiiyippeeeiaaajah', and as Peter the fishing Apostle said of Jesus Christ, "glory and dominion for ever and ever, AMEN". ----- On Saturday night, Maria from Maluma, 20 year old girl, broke down weeping just after supper. She ran into the Church building and hid in a corner. I asked her what was wrong, she just continued to sob and weep. Pastor Costa and Eliot came to her and spoke with her. Pastor Costa then came to me and said she had a bad headache, then continued by saying he thought she was struggling with evil spirits. ----- We went inside and sat beside her, and Costa asked her if she had demonic spirits living in her and she said yes, they would cause her to be dancing the traditional vulgar suggestive dancing of witchcraft. [These dances are is sexually explicit with partial or full nudity when seen in witch doctor meetings of darkness honoring Satan. They are not only seen at witch doctor meetings, but also taught in all government schools by mandate, taught elementary students grade 1 and up, called cultural dances of the ancestors. They are dances of seduction. These same dances are seen here in Zambia in most churches by choirs and singing groups, with the voices claiming praise to God, but the body giving honor to the lust of the flesh exalting the love of the world. ] ----- After some questions, we found out she went to witch doctor meeting of ancestral worship, darkness of the Devil, and there while dancing, the demonic spirits came to inhabit her. ----- NOW, I realized the conviction of our standing against that same dancing demonstration of wicked and lewd behavior in the Church that very day brought realization and conviction to this precious child that she was 'walking in darkness while saying she had fellowship with the Father and with His followers'. Scripture says that person is a liar (see First John chapter One; First John was the theme of the Bible Conference). She realized she could not be a follower of Jesus and walk in darkness. [ One of the boys in the choir from Maluma, while they were singing and marching, broke out in the vulgar suggestive dance. Pastor Costa stood up immediately and Scripturally denounced that sort of behavior, PUBLICLY condemning the action firmly yet with kindness of godly admonition] ----- WELL glory, praise and honor the the Spirit of Jesus Christ, she said she did not want the evil spirits but wanted Jesus Christ to be Lord. I told her to just tell Jesus she was turning from her sin, and asking HIM to forgive her sins by dying for her and shedding HIS blood to wash away her sins. SHE COULD NOT call on Him, she choked and gasped every time she opened her mouth. When I asked her why, she said the demons were stopping her. I prayed and asked the Lord to deliver her from their power so she could call on HIM. HE did just that and she began confessing her sins and confessing HIM who shed HIS blood for her and told Jesus she was giving HIM her life to follow HIM! She looked at us and said,"they are gone, and my headache is gone!" Such is ministry here and I do love it so! Photos of Maria standing on your left, in white sleeveless blouse and Eliot with Pastor Costa who is in long sleeve blue shirt.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


At times, only about 18 hours a day, I feel useless! And so I am...but in our weakness the only wise God, Jesus Christ [1 Timothy 1:16-17, Jude verse 25]shows His mighty power. Attached is a video slide show of our earlier ministry in His loving favor allowing Melody and me to walk with Him by Him. Rejoice in His grace, mercy and truth!

Well, it was too large to attach with our internet. So here are some pictures of our ministry from the last 8 years. Just a glimpse. Phil

Friday, October 21, 2011

Follow Follow I Will Follow Jesus....

...anywhere, every where, I will follow on, everywhere HE leads me I will follow on! Good old hymn for a Band of Brothers in the army of the Lord of hosts. Just a short story, by an old man, for the glory of a Blessed Savior, one and only God our Savior, our Redeemer Messiah Jesu. Was getting some timber today for a project, minding my own business (shamefully so ) when the work of Jesus overtook me (bless HIS name for overcoming our selfish use of HIS time HE has given us). See the photo, Eric and Namachana. Bernard who helps us at our home, Bubba's Bible College Student, exalted the holy name of Christ our Lord to these 2 precious souls. I got sucked into the perfect storm of the spiritual war. Taught them of His Royal Highness, King of Righteousness, King of Shalom, Prince of Peace, Man of Sorrows who carried our grief and was wounded for our transgessions, bruised for our iniquity, the Healer of our Sins and their results, death; then preached repentance and faith in Jesus Messiah the only wise God. They claimed to believe in Him not trusting their religion. Gave them look again at the photo. I do love it so, this walk of the Word of Life!


Monday, October 17, 2011

Sunday Blessings

Yesterday, Melody and I visited with Jacob Nasibebo and the people he is ministering to. They meet Friday for discipleship and services on Sunday morning. From small beginnings in the Lord, great things appear, ask the Apostles.

During the service while prayer was being offered up, I took a picture of George and Kelvin [do not tell me my eyes should have been closed without giving me a verse...HA gotcha]. George, unchurched, starting coming to be discipled by Jacob. Now he is a faithful follower of Jesus Messiah our Savior. Kelvin has been coming faithfully for a few weeks, and joy of learning Christ is beginning to be seen in his life.

Grandma in middle of group picture, Jacob's 90 plus yr old Grandmother was singing and smiling all the time. She has gone to church since a girl, practicing witchcraft all along. The first time I met her she was mumbling in a 'tongue' Jacob had never heard but assures me it was not any Zambian language, figure it out....while shaking her head at me with obivious anger; anyway a year later she came to services, proclaimed that she was now following the Jesus of the Bible that Jacob taught and repented of witchcraft. Been smiling ever since!

After the service, Jacob gave Kelvin a Bible. What glory is seen when our God and our Savior, Jesus Christ is our Life.

Servant of the most high God, Phil.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Please Forgive Me

I have struggled a bit since last post. Just tired all the time, and a shelf fell on me, got problems with neck and shoulder. Not complaining cuz at 61 am thankful to be able to do anything, just has reduced my time in the bush villages where the action mostly is.

There is one other pressing matter that has occupied my time and will for a while. Have been working on series of Lessons for our Zambian Pastors, leaders and anyone who wants to seriously minister for Jesu Kristo here in Zambia. Am on Lesson 30 at the moment and it is an effort to declare Jesu from Genesis to Revelation as Jehovah who is our Savior, our deliverer.

I am not a desk kind of guy, not a writer by choice, but this has been a direction the Lord has led me and it has been revolutionary, by their testimony, in the lives of those who have used it. It is 99.5% internal Scriptural evidence with a very small addition from generally accepted history, less than a 1/2 %. Enuff of that!

Yesterday, Pastor Kebby Malamo and his wife, Etambuyu met with me to determine their agreement for Kebby to go to our bush works for some days each month for training leadership. Etambuyu is a city girl like Melody, my wife. Bush jest ain't her thang! Opps my Texas jumped out before I cud stop it.

I told them to consider and pray over how much he could be gone without harming their home life, personal and family. I gave them a week or so to pray and discuss the issue, went to get them a sandwich and something to drink and Etambuyu was saying something to Kebby in Lozi. I caught all the words, but no understanding with my Texas mind.

When the old man returned to the table Kebby said Etambuyu had made her position clear as a Preacher/Evangelist's wife. When they married, Kebby was going for a week at a time to Evangelize. She knew it was right. What ever time he needed to strenghthen our ministry was good for her. The Lord had prepared her already to stand by Kebby and the ministry of Christ in which we labor together.

This is one step closer to the people we minister with, not needing me as they serve Christ from the heart. Our end goal is disciples of the Lamb of God, our blessed Redeemer, not disciples of man or man's religion.

Now we will not allow him long absences from home, but maybe 3 times for 4-5 days per trip every 2 months he will go to the Habbanyuku valley to train up leadership for the 2 churches there. Meanwhile he is at our home translating our material into Tonga and Lozi.

This morning Kebby came in the gate singing "I sing because I'm happy, I sing because I'm free...." .....strange..?... naw, just glad to be free to serve the LORD JESUS who made Kebby free from sin and because HIS eye watches Kebby....I aked him!

Here is picture of Kebby with the smile of the Life of Christ shining out to a lost and dying world.

Well, am going to Habbanyuka tomorrow, maybe a new story for the pages of God's book regarding HIS work among the children of men!

Barely Sanctified by the Crucified, Fully Justified by the Resurrected.

Your servant for Christ, Phil

Friday, August 26, 2011

A Time To Rejoice

Greetings from Africa,

Been a while, sorry for the silence, working on extreme Scriptural discipleship material on Jesus Messiah Genesis to Revelation; this includes overseeing translation of same into Tonga and Lozi.

Yesterday and today we went to Simasiku and surrounding area with Pastor Jacob Nasibebo. We passed out Gospel booklets full of Scripture and showing who the Lord Jesus is. We started with 2 young men that came to greet us and taught them for about an hour. They bowed their heads and called on the Blessed Light and Eternal Word of Life, Jesu (old and Zambian English) for remission of sin and His life in them to follow Him.

Then we went and witnessed regarding Christ redeemer to some curio craftsmen, passing out Gospel Booklets to all we met. The Booklets included one called Help From Above which is simply scriptures topically arranged. Another one was "LOVE STORY" sent to us free of charge by Chick Publications for the booklets; altogether giving us 12,500 of them costing only $550 for shipping. Praise the Lord all that hath breath!

At one home several men said, "we know Pastor Jacob, he is a good Pastor, we will come to his services on Sunday! THEN (bated breath) !?!! strap on ur seatbelt, grab ur Bible, Uncle Bubba Phil is going to tell a story of glory....Pastor Jacob said, "I want us to go see an old man. It is told that he practices in the darkness of Satan and every one is afraid to go to his home. None of the preachers will go tell him about Jesus ". [side note, most of the preachers in the area are greedy hirling religionists, by all accounts shepherds that fleeeoowwweeee in face of the enemy] The motor sped up, dust boiled out from the tires of the Toyota, prayers, praise and supplication were offered, hearts of anticipation pounded as we slud in (Dizzy Dean's baseball term for u old timers) to the side of the road, bailed out and went to see this soul adrift in the sea of darkness in Satan's realm.

The old man greeted us as long lost friends and said we were welcome to bring the words of Leza (God). There, to him and two young men, I told quickly the story of Deuteronomy 5:22 thru 27,28,29 of mouths saying one thing but hearts far from the truth. Then I told the story of Baalim, a tragic story of blessing the Hebrew with his mouth while working deceit to provide for their vision the wicked, rioting, vulgar rituals that brought on illicit relations between the men of Israel and the Moabite women. In turn it worked destruction by the wrath of the Lord for their wickedness. And Baalim, though realizing his error in repentance, was found dead in the midst of his kinsmen when Israel conquered in the land of Canaan.

Silence, no reply, moment pregnant with the power of the Scriptural truth...then I shared that the only relief from sin, is complete repentance toward God and obedient faith in Jesus Christ the Lord of glory to save us from our sins.

With that we arose to depart and the old man said, 'You are welcome to return and tell us more of Jesu!"

AND so shall it be if the Lord our almighty, Jehovah our salvation, Jesu (u know!) will keep us breathing and moving for HIM.

Today, Jacob said before he was saved, converted to Christ when he met HIM thru Bible study I conducted at Victoria Falls, he was afraid of that old man. Jacob said, "yesterday was a real blessing, uplifting to me to go without fear and tell that old man of the Lord Jesu, our God and our Savior."

Picture is of Jacob serving Christ, the Lord of all the earth.

Blessings from our Father of lights,

Phil "Uncle Bubba" in Zambia Africa

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Nakumpatu and the mighty hand of Jesus!

Will any come forward...we preached Christ Jesus the only Savior, Deliverer from sin to His righteousness...4 verses of song so far no response to invitation to believe on Him who died for us...oh here is one, was sure there are some here who had not yet repented to the Lord and had faith in in Jesus Christ.....This is typical in Church services here in villages of the bush. They do not usually respond quickly at closing hymn when they are invited to come forward and publicly call on the Lord for forgiveness of sin and deliverance from Satan by believing Christ for new birth, new Life, His life in them.

NOT NAKUMPATU!!! Sunday morning, as the closing song first started 8 precious souls came forward, immediately, no hesitation, now now as they say in vernacular English...I mean right NOW...Pastor Kebby had given the plea for them to receive Jesus.

I had taught and preached Christ who died for our sins and is new Life for any that call upon HIM for deliverance from the power of Satan and darkness. I preached they must have a sorrowful repentant heart toward the only Most High God and Savior and call on HIM the Lord, Jesus Christ, with obedient faith in Him to forgive their sins and give them HIS righteousness and His eternal Life.

HERE THEY COME! Pastor Kebby had started singing with his eyes still closed from praying after extending the invitation for them to come forward receiving Christ as Savior, Redeemer, Lord, Master. His eyes popped wide open as he heard the foot steps of those rushing forward to proclaim faith in Jesus! He told me later he was not sure what was happening, he had never seen it like this before.

8 came, one to give thanks to Jesus for saving him. 7 said they had come forward because they wanted the Lord, Jesus Christ, to be their Savior and with all their heart wanted to follow ONLY HIM forever!!

YEAH, GLORY, HALLELUJAH, these people were did abound, Almighty God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob was exalted in Praise, Jehovah our Salvation, that would be JESU CHRISTU, was seen the Captain of our Salvation, the Word of Life...well I could go on about HIM the King of Kings, Lord of lords, Everlasting Father, Prince of peace...I mean where do we stop in praising HIM for being our Truth, the Way, the Life that is the Light of the World.........

Oh by the way, our newest ministry from Victory Baptist Church in the Habbanyuka Valley, Victory Care for the Vulnerable, is moving under the direction of Javist Mukua. The picture is an old man of Nakupatu receiving blankets for him and his wife. What a joy to help the needy in the Holy name of Jesus, Lord God Messiah!

Phil signing off to see why we have had no water supply at home for 2 days...just another African adventure!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Grandmama Simasiku

It was October 2009 that I met her. Her grandson, Jacob now a Pastor, had just come out of the wicked cult of Rastapharianism and introduced her to me.

She was sitting outside her little hut, mumbling to herself. She was not happy I was there. She practiced witchcraft and had been a church member most of her life. I know, I know, one can't serve 2 masters, and from the way she regarded me I knew who her dark master was. I prayed.

Meanwhile back at the hut a few days later, on the way to see Jacob, she turned her back on me muttering, and peeping like a wizard out of Leviticus. She would wave her hand at me to stay away. I prayed for her.

The other night, we had an incident at our home where I was sure some evil spirit had followed someone in our house home from a village. I realized about 3 AM when I woke up. I prayed, it left, the air cleared, the oppression of darkness lifted (others in the house realized something had been wrong and said so the next day). Then with a song in my heart, I began to pray for the people we minister with and Grandmama came to mind. I prayed for her to be delivered from witchcraft, darkness and the clutches of the Satan.

A couple of days later we past her hut and saw her laying outside, asleep. I prayed for Jesus to save her.

Day before yesterday, Jacob told me that Grandmama Simasiku came to his house and said she wanted to put away witchcraft and follow Jesus. Well today we were with Jacob's discipliship group and here came Grandmama. At the end of Jacob and me speaking on the love of God and being born again, Grandmama said in Tonga,"I could have gone anywhere but I came here. Now I will follow only Jesus, believe on HIM."

Glory, I prayed!!

Till we meet again,


Thursday, June 30, 2011


I know, it has been a long somewhat sorry.

Tired, weary, feeble weak (definition of "sick" James 5) today. Bush truck is sick, no trip as planned to Habbanyuka valley this weekend. Discouraged?...yeah a bit.

Knock at gate, who is that? another problem probably. "Someone to see Phil", Bernard called out. "OK OK coming" feet draggin, old Dragon jabbing, complaint forming on my lips : ( gate??????? : )

: > () GLORY !!!!!!!! THERE SHE WAS, Grenda. Yeah Grenda (spelled Glenda). What joy came to my soul. "Melody, Grenda is here from Njabalombe!"

In 2001, we had returned to Njabalombe to hold a second meeting and have a baptism. When it came time to baptize, Grenda went into the water, was thrown backwards out of the Zambian preacher's hands and went under...she did not come up...the preacher grabbed her...realizing she was not saved and evil, familiar spirits were trying to drown her. She was dragged from the water by several people and laid on the bank.

Finally she got up but could hardly walk, started vomiting, grunting like swine, growling like a dog, staggering, falling, crawling, trying to dawned on me then that she was possessed of foul and evil spirits of darkness of Satan. The Pastors with us just let her go...I had no idea what to do, but I knew she had said she wanted to follow the Lord Jesus.

I grabbed one of the Pastor's that was a good friend and told him we must do something...he shrugged and followed me to her. They are so used to it that they did not know to deal with it and I did not know how. Now friends, this next is on a video taken by a missionary from Mexico who was visiting... from across the river where he was video taping the baptism he said"it is very cold this women is overcome by the cold"...."no, I think she is possessed of demons, we have seen this in Mexico". About that time, you can here me,"OH GOD, WE NEED SOME HELP DOWN HERE!" and folks, i weren't kiddin.

We had a team from States with us and they were backin us up .... way back, yeah and still backin up... Grenda was growling as we were bending over her. I opened her eyelids and her eyes were completely rolled back in her head, yeah dear Lord we need some help. I asked the Zambian preachers to interpret for me as I held her eyelids open asking her if she wanted the demons or Jesus, she managed to mumble Jesu...then she went wild then stiffened out like a board, I mean like a 2X12, completely close your eyes for this next, I promise it is true, I was there but wondering why me, Lord...remaining rigid as a board, arms stiff at her side, no flex in her body, legs and all , she started raising up off the ground to a 45 degree angle with only the backs of her heels touching the ground ... we pushed her back down, took 3 of us! She came up again, we pushed her down muscles of 3 grown men straining, she 'tilted' up again, DOWN LADY we pushed again.

Then I called out to the Lord, "she wants Jesus please drive these evil spirits from her' she convulsed, growling barking, writhed on the ground then went still and Hallelujah, relaxed. Her eyes opened, and as she came to a smile of joy spread across her face, the same smile she was wearing today when I opened my gate. Smile of deliverance, joy, relief, and soon called on the LORD to be her Saviour. Back to the water, this time coming out rejoicing shouting Glory Hallelujah, thanking Jesus for forgiveness of sins. Yeah Buddy as we says in Texas, the Lord sent Glory, named Glenda, called Grenda to my gate today, I needed some rejoicing!


Friday, April 22, 2011

Building People and Buildings; In That Order

Chief Mukuni opened the door, Jesus stepped thru with an old Missionary/Evangelist. Jacob, who lives Mukuni Chiefdom, came to Christ from a drug culture thru our Bible Study at Vic Falls Market.
About that time, Chief Mukuni stopped me on his palace road, inviting our ministry to go Southeast side of his kingdom.

Now Jacob is serving Christ on that side. Today I went to direct the building of place for his ministry with children and families to have shelter. Soon, Jacob and I agree, there will be a Church planted by the Lord there.

Today, much more important than the building, building people in the most holy faith took over. There were some questions about the Spirit of Christ, when he is received by the individual believer and the difference in that and Jesus' baptism promised to the assembly of believers with the Apostles. Nearly 2 hours later they saw the gift of the Spirit of Christ, Holy, and new birth were now synonymous for the individual, while the Baptism in the Spirit of God, Holy, same Spirit, was for the Congregation for power to be witnesses around the world.

Then we dealt with some false teaching prevalent around the world about the misunderstanding of these 2 works of Christ by HIS Spirit. We explored how people, looking for individual experience to match false teaching, fall for experiences that mirror rituals of darkness by foul and evil spirits initiated by " greivous wolves" Acts 20 "false prohets and teachers" who through covetiousness, with fake words "make merchandice" of those they deceive II Peter 2. We explored how these teachings cause people to return seeking the same excitment because they are empty when they get home, unchanged and not producing the work of Christ around the world. They revel in the experience not worship in the Person of Christ!

Then we reviewed what the work of Jesus Spirit, Holy, in the life of a believer and the lives of those in HIS CONGREGATIONS, will produce... 1. individual lives changed to HIS life in them by the Holy Spirit I Corinthians 1:30, Galatians 1:3-5 2:20, John 20:19-23 ... 2. witnesses in Congregational accord to the unttermost part of the world , Acts 1:1 and the rest of the book. These works of the Spirit of the LORD do not produce frantic screaming, writhing, foaming at the mouth and morbid appearances of death, noises of animals coming from humans etc. Those things are not imparted by the Spirit of Christ. They are found in souls of bondage that need deliverance from darkness; the Bible as written and let experiences be judged by that, not the Bible judged by that which is right in the eyes beholding or experiencing the moment.

Building people most important because physical buildings fade away and those that have not "learned Christ"will also fade away in eternity to everlasting fire and brimstone.

Truth is a person, let us give HIM, Jesus Christ, to people!

Controversial but in love of God,


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Love of Jesus, Sweet and Marvelous

It came to mind as I looked in her know, the song "Isn't the Love of Jesus something wonderful...wonderful it is to me". There she sat, one of Melody's Little Bible Students at Kooma Basic School.

We traveled 1 1/2 hours from home, 30 + kilometers in the bush (during rain season, closer route in dry season), to reach this place...week after week! It is the 5th school in which Melody has taught Bible since we moved here.

Today, Melody had to step out of class while they were coloring, and I got to sit with them. Nicodemus and Jesus were getting some Zambian styling, bush concept. The precious babes of the bush villages had just heard the story of the Love of Jesus for this wicked, cheating little man who climbed a tree looking for something more that riches and fortune.

Then she looked up at me...smiled...yeah you got it, I thought of the wonderful marvelous love of the Blessed Lord of creation who became a man, the very and only begotten Son of God, to be our sacrificail Lamb shedding His own blood to wash our sins away. That same love so overwhelmed my sweet Melody and me, that we came here so this little bush girl could know HIS GREAT LOVE!

Now that is Praise to the LORD, Praise from earth to heaven, Praise ye the LORD. From Texas to bush pardise lost; but now regained by children of the bush thru the Holy Light of Heaven, even our Eternal Life, Jesu Christu, Jehovah our Redeemer, Savior Father, Friend of Sinners: for His Glory sake...Praise the LORD, Praise the LORD!

Yeah and Hallelujah, 'Isn't the Love of Jesus Wonderful'? Look at this face and argue...WOWEEEE I do love it so!


Saturday, March 19, 2011

"Go ye therefore..."

Greetings from Zambia

As we teach and preach the Bible, our desire is the people of Churches planted by the Lord Jesus in our ministry, have the vision of Christ for the world. He said these things..."all power in heaven and earth is given me...go ye therefore and teach all nation...preach the Gospel (power of God for salvation) shall be witnesses unto me (so HE, Christ the Lord would be the One we teach them) the uttermost parts of the world!!!

Now this is not the complete charge the Jehovah who is our salvation, JESUS, left us in the scripture, just part of His words in Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20 and the Acts of the Apostles 1.

Today, as I was leaving Kooma, Albert elder man and disciple of the Lord Jesus in Grace Baptist Church there, said this to me, "we must go to other places far away and teach them who Jesus is because many do not know HIM"!!! Our conversation revolved around building a house for Pastor Aaron Siazyombo. And that when he is there with them full time, they could do the work of the ministry together thru out the week every week.

That statement out of the heart of a man that loves Jesus and has Jesus heart vision for the world, is the very essence of the Life of Christ formed in us.

Did I do that? NO, NO, NO! Only the Lord of Glory can move a man to have that vision of reaching the lost with the revealed Glory of our loving God by the Gospel as seen from Genesis 3 and 4.

More stories coming soon...don't move that dial.

Phil Stephens

Monday, February 28, 2011

New Work for Jesus: Nakampatu

In the remote valley of Habbanyuka, the Lord Jesus directed, empowered, blessed and provided the planting of Victory Baptist Church. It is HIS work, not mine. It is HIS Body, Congregation of assembly, HIS believers, baptized unto HIM for HIS Glory by the work of the Gospel.

This Church has now planted another work, serious, serving and surely sanctified, by the Lord Jehovah our salvation, even the God Amighty of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Jesus the Christ. The remote village of Nakampatu is the location of this new work in Christ.

Breyford Mwaanga, Pastor of Victory Baptist Church is training men to reach their world with the Gospel. One of those men is Given. He and his wife went thru a ruff patch 2 years ago. The wife was very ill, but they called on the LORD for help in time of need. Pastor Mwaanga and I went to visit them along with other members of Victory Baptist Church. We prayed with them, on several occations.

In the midst of Given and his wife's trial, their families pronounced a curse on them for rejecting traditional ancestral worship (familiar spirits) and for refusing to allow the darkness of witchcraft to be consulted. They stood firm that, live or die, they were serving Jesus Christ and trusting only HIM for any and all needs.

The wife is well, and Given is now preaching every Sunday at Nakampatu. Sunday 12 were Baptized, 4 from Habbanyuka and 8 from Nakampatu. And Jesus who is worthy, is receiving glory by the Gospel spreading across this remote area.

Stay tuned as these 2 works of Christ have been invited to come to an even more remote village. The people heard of the mighty work of God and sent messengers to plead that this same Gospel be brought to them.

If our slow internet will do so, I am downloading a short video of the baptism this past weekend.
Your loving servant of Jesus,

PS how bout a picture, video will not load. Maybe in a week or so when we get a new Internet Provider.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

They said WHAT?

This is Sunday, February 20, 2011. 04:30 zulu time, called "early, very very early". Left sleeping beauty, Melody, where she snuggly lay, and cooked some eggs with... HALLELUJAH!!... Tony Chachere Seasoning from Louisiana (a eastern rural community of the Republic of Texas).

Packing some lessons for Fred Mutinta, my Sword, written version of that which proceeds from the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in HIS Revelation seen clearly in chapter 19, some water and Coke Light (keeps me light in the saddle) forward on slow road to Maluma ....>>>

Arriving Maluma area Baptist Church, surprise visit, 010:00 zulu time (sounds military huh? not, zambian time actually meaning we are there when we get there never early, never late), we find some gathered in the Blessed Name of Jesu Christu, our Lord and our God, Savior One and Only...rejoice, rejoice again I say rejoice...

Songs, Hymns, Spiritual Songs, choir 4 songs, oh the Glory did roll, Sunday School taught by Daniel from Highway Baptist Church... THEN...minor key 'dum de dum dum'... question time ( why do they do this??? : > ( ???)....

Jacob a bright star for the MORNING STAR was supposed to preach...he sat down beside me and frightened miss muffett away...well actually he asked me if I was OK then told me what I feared from what I perceived, though lesson and questions in Tonga... They had butchered the truth, built a golden calf, danced around the subject(s), for 45 minutes of the hour and 15 minute Sunday School lesson which switched or witched away from 'what is sin' to 'how to destroy biblical truth about Satan and and since they already had 2 wives and lusted after another woman was it ok to take another wife... we already broke God's plan, 1 woman with 1 man = 1 marriage too late now because many have 2 women with 1 man + lust... might as well have 3 wom..." well you'll get the point, read it again.

"What is that , Jacob?" "Should you speak, Pastor Phil?" "Oh why not, Jacob, what is the worst that could happen...things get worse?" "HUH? Pastor Phil what do you mean?" "Oh never mind, just interpret for me Jacob" Grin, Jacob's face, he loves a good fiasco...

One and a half hour later, Satan is put in place, lust is condemned, period, more sin must not follow forgiven sin, no divorce but no more wives, NO QUESTIONS but get the BIBLE POINT? and will you live for JESUS and let HIM have your life?

AMEN was the answer, let's get out of Dodge, dodging any more questions...13:30? who cares what time...start the truck, wave good bye OHHHH wait one more thing, let's take a photo and oh yeah let's PRRAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY.

Yours truly...knocked out for Jesus, I do love it all!!!

Phil Stephens

Thursday, January 20, 2011

miracles are still ours

Welcome, have been away from home in Zambia for a while but now back and the stories of the work of Yahweh our LORD and God even Jesus Deliverer Messiah abound. First story from the bush ministry now!
Trouble had been brewing as Satan stirred his seething pot of darkness in the heart of a man at the Church in Sinamanjolo. When Melody and I arrived, Pastor Costa Musena (with family on the left, picture taken 2 days ago) told me that one of the "leaders", Eliot, in the Church had threatened him with death.
Eliot told all the faithful that if they came to Church, Costa would be killed. They, for fear of Costa's life, stayed home for 2 weeks. He also told Costa that before the old white man(that would be me) returned, Costa would be dead and dried. As you can see from the photo Costa is alive and quite hydrated.
The story goes that this man with a heart of murder and evil got his childhood friend, Preston, to go with him to beat Costa. As they walked to Costa's home, the follower saw a fiery sight ahead (no bush fires at this time of year and no fires in the area) and realized he was following to fight against the LORD, most high God. He told his long time friend that they were friends no more and went back to his home.
The next day as the instigator continued his evil plot, alone now, Preston repenting of the wicked scheme came to Costa, confessed the story, apologized, asked forgiveness from the LORD and Costa and said, "I was deceived by Eliot that you should not be Pastor. He has been rebellious from the start, I will never listen to him and the Devil again. When I saw the fiery vision I knew it was a warning from the LORD".
In the process, the LORD had already given Costa great peace that he was safe. Costa visited the homes of the faithful last week and assured them he was in the LORD's hands and for them to return to Church, he had no fear of death! They all were encouraged and even some who were faithful in the past, hearing this, said now that the truth regarding Eliot was clearly seen (they had known his devious ways for years) would return to the Church they loved.
There are more elements of the Grace of God in this story and HIS direct touch from heaven on Costa and the people. But I choose to let them be known when you see Jesus, miracle on miracles. JUST LOOK INWARD AND CHECK YOUR OWN LIFE IF IT BE SURRENDERED FULLY TO CHRIST JESUS. IF SO THAT IS SALVATION PROMISED TO THE REAL BELIEVER. CHRIST IN US, HIS LIFE BECOME OURS!!!

Stay tuned to the channel of stories of the mighty work of God among the children of men.
