Greetings from Africa,
Been a while, sorry for the silence, working on extreme Scriptural discipleship material on Jesus Messiah Genesis to Revelation; this includes overseeing translation of same into Tonga and Lozi.
Yesterday and today we went to Simasiku and surround
ing area with Pastor Jacob Nasibebo. We passed out Gospel booklets full of Scripture and showing who the Lord Jesus is. We started with 2 young men that came to greet us and taught them for about an hour. They bowed their heads and called on the Blessed Light and Eternal Word of Life, Jesu (old and Zambian English) for remission of sin and His life in them to follow Him.
Then we went and witnessed regarding Christ redeemer to some curio craftsmen, passing out Gospel Booklets to all we met. The Booklets included one called Help From Above which is simply scriptures topically arranged. Another one was "LOVE STORY" sent to us free of charge by Chick Publications for the booklets; altogether giving us 12,500 of them costing only $550 for shipping. Praise the Lord all that hath breath!
At one home several men said, "we know Pastor Jacob, he is a good Pastor, we will come to his services on Sunday! THEN (bated breath) !?!! strap on ur seatbelt, grab ur Bible, Uncle Bubba Phil is going to tell a story of glory....Pastor Jacob said, "I want us to go see an old man. It is told that he practices in the darkness of Satan and every one is afraid to go to his home. None of the preachers will go tell him about Jesus ". [side note, most of the preachers in the area are greedy hirling religionists, by all accounts shepherds that fleeeoowwweeee in face of the enemy] The motor sped up, dust boiled out from the tires of the Toyota, prayers, praise and supplication were offered, hearts of anticipation pounded as we slud in (Dizzy Dean's baseball term for u old timers) to the side of the road, bailed out and went to see this soul adrift in the sea of darkness in Satan's realm.
The old man greeted us as long lost friends and said we were welcome to bring the words of Leza (God). There, to him and two young men, I told quickly the story of Deuteronomy 5:22 thru 27,28,29 of mouths saying one thing but hearts far from the truth. Then I told the story of Baalim, a tragic story of blessing the Hebrew with his mouth while working deceit to provide for their vision the wicked, rioting, vulgar rituals that brought on illicit relations between the men of Israel and the Moabite women. In turn it worked destruction by the wrath of the Lord for their wickedness. And Baalim, though realizing his error in repentance, was found dead in the midst of his kinsmen when Israel conquered in the land of Canaan.
Silence, no reply, moment pregnant with the power of the Scriptural truth...then I shared that the only relief from sin, is complete repentance toward God and obedient faith in Jesus Christ the Lord of glory to save us from our sins.
With that we arose to depart and the old man said, 'You are welcome to return and tell us more of Jesu!"
AND so shall it be if the Lord our almighty, Jehovah our salvation, Jesu (u know!) will keep us breathing and moving for HIM.
Today, Jacob said before he was saved, converted to Christ when he met HIM thru Bible study I conducted at Victoria Falls, he was afraid of that old man. Jacob said, "yesterday was a real blessing, uplifting to me to go without fear and tell that old man of the Lord Jesu, our God and our Savior."
Picture is of Jacob serving Christ, the Lord of all the earth.
Blessings from our Father of lights,
Phil "Uncle Bubba" in Zambia Africa
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