Bible Zone: Enter with wonder!

Our dedication is to Jehovah our Salvation, Jesus the Christ our Lord and our God. This same dedication is by HIS work in us as we move at HIS direction in Zambia, Africa. Holiness by HIS Grace, the gift of eternal life in Jesus, is our desire for the Tribal People of Africa; that they may turn to HIM receiving forgiveness, remission of sin, just as we have received according to the Scripture.

Phil and Melody Stephens, Servants of Jesus the Christ

Thursday, June 30, 2011


I know, it has been a long somewhat sorry.

Tired, weary, feeble weak (definition of "sick" James 5) today. Bush truck is sick, no trip as planned to Habbanyuka valley this weekend. Discouraged?...yeah a bit.

Knock at gate, who is that? another problem probably. "Someone to see Phil", Bernard called out. "OK OK coming" feet draggin, old Dragon jabbing, complaint forming on my lips : ( gate??????? : )

: > () GLORY !!!!!!!! THERE SHE WAS, Grenda. Yeah Grenda (spelled Glenda). What joy came to my soul. "Melody, Grenda is here from Njabalombe!"

In 2001, we had returned to Njabalombe to hold a second meeting and have a baptism. When it came time to baptize, Grenda went into the water, was thrown backwards out of the Zambian preacher's hands and went under...she did not come up...the preacher grabbed her...realizing she was not saved and evil, familiar spirits were trying to drown her. She was dragged from the water by several people and laid on the bank.

Finally she got up but could hardly walk, started vomiting, grunting like swine, growling like a dog, staggering, falling, crawling, trying to dawned on me then that she was possessed of foul and evil spirits of darkness of Satan. The Pastors with us just let her go...I had no idea what to do, but I knew she had said she wanted to follow the Lord Jesus.

I grabbed one of the Pastor's that was a good friend and told him we must do something...he shrugged and followed me to her. They are so used to it that they did not know to deal with it and I did not know how. Now friends, this next is on a video taken by a missionary from Mexico who was visiting... from across the river where he was video taping the baptism he said"it is very cold this women is overcome by the cold"...."no, I think she is possessed of demons, we have seen this in Mexico". About that time, you can here me,"OH GOD, WE NEED SOME HELP DOWN HERE!" and folks, i weren't kiddin.

We had a team from States with us and they were backin us up .... way back, yeah and still backin up... Grenda was growling as we were bending over her. I opened her eyelids and her eyes were completely rolled back in her head, yeah dear Lord we need some help. I asked the Zambian preachers to interpret for me as I held her eyelids open asking her if she wanted the demons or Jesus, she managed to mumble Jesu...then she went wild then stiffened out like a board, I mean like a 2X12, completely close your eyes for this next, I promise it is true, I was there but wondering why me, Lord...remaining rigid as a board, arms stiff at her side, no flex in her body, legs and all , she started raising up off the ground to a 45 degree angle with only the backs of her heels touching the ground ... we pushed her back down, took 3 of us! She came up again, we pushed her down muscles of 3 grown men straining, she 'tilted' up again, DOWN LADY we pushed again.

Then I called out to the Lord, "she wants Jesus please drive these evil spirits from her' she convulsed, growling barking, writhed on the ground then went still and Hallelujah, relaxed. Her eyes opened, and as she came to a smile of joy spread across her face, the same smile she was wearing today when I opened my gate. Smile of deliverance, joy, relief, and soon called on the LORD to be her Saviour. Back to the water, this time coming out rejoicing shouting Glory Hallelujah, thanking Jesus for forgiveness of sins. Yeah Buddy as we says in Texas, the Lord sent Glory, named Glenda, called Grenda to my gate today, I needed some rejoicing!


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