Past weekend we went to Habanyuka valley. Victory Baptist Church which began meeting together in 2005 after 2 intensive, week long trips there. It is the largest, most faithful work of the LORD our salvation, Jesus the Messiah. We visited 2 villages that had never been seen by a white man, according to Mr. Javist Mukua. He is a 70 plus yr. old member and faithful follower of Christ.
Now, my friends, this is just the first installment this week of our trip. There are stories to come of what God has done this past weekend. There are 3 pictures for now. One reminds me of the line from Robert Frost 'road less traveled'. As you can see
(look carefully top center of photo) it is and oxcart trail winding thru the hills in the Habanyuka Valley.
The other pictures are of f

ar greater significance. It reminds me of what Jesus said, ''suffer the little children come unto ME and forbid them not, for such is the kingdom of God". Suffer is a big word having a large definition and one elemen

t is do not leave them behind to die! Of course foremost is reaching them with the Gospel. But also the physical. I weep as I write this, because we had 7 children die from malaria, in this valley last 3 weeks, because of lack of medicine. I did not know. We are arranging for meds to go there today, but they need a clinic there, but no funds build. Pray with us on this matter. Well, see ya tomorrow...
..."The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Matthew 9:37-38