Last outpost, village, in Habanyuka valley going north. This is Loyd's home. Confessed drunkard, trouble maker, never prayed in his life. The ones from Victory Baptist, our Church in the valley, knew Loyd well...why everyone in the valley knew him and most were nervous to be near him, I learned later. No white man or Gospel preacher had ever been near him.
When we arrived, I found him to be a black redneck. They hunt, fish, farm and look to get remote and wild. That's my comfort zone, been there (except farm) done that. We were welcomed, hesitantly.
With permission I told the story of the Bible, beginning with the first 'rednecks'. They lived off the land, you know...Adam and Eve. But they rebelled against the Creator, our Holy God. So, for over an hour, I spoke on sin, death and overriding love of the Everlasting Father, the Son given who died for our sins and rose for our justification. The same certain ONE who takes our sin and gives us HIS righteousness.
I told of my sinful life, quite like Loyd's. Loyd asked if Jesus could change him like HE changed me. I said Jesus can and will if Loyd wanted Jesus as Lord and savior. Loyd said, to stunning shock of all there that knew him, "eeeiih, Jesu Kristo" in Texan that is "yep, Jesus Christ".
I told Loyd to just tell the Lord that he wanted his sins forgiven and wanted to have Jesus be his life. Loyd said he did not know how. Some one spoke up and said pray to God. Loyd said he had never prayed. I told Loyd, "just tell God what you want from HIM, like you would tell anyone what is in your heart about them."
Suddenly, he started talking to GOD! Confessions poured out, repentance was declared, trust that Jesus would take his life, forgive his sins, change him...he called out to God for 5 minutes or more. Silence, I mean pin dropping quiet. His family looked in shock. Mr. Mukua who was interpreting for me was speechless and he is never speechless, talks non stop. Given, one of our faithful members, a mighty hunter by repute, shivering from malaria, yet out with us on visitation, slowly broke out in a big smile, and when I proclaimed 'hallelujah", Given said Amen and LOYD LOOKED RELIEVED!
Now, my dear friends, that is a testimony of Jehovah our God quick to convince a sinner of his sin by HIS own Spirit, Holy, and mighty to save that same sinner from that sin, faithful to give that very sinner HIS righteousness, because Christ is our righteousness, redemption, sanctification and wisdom. So we live and move and have our being in the Blessed Savior, a wild and wonderful life here in tribal Africa. Phil
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