Bible Zone: Enter with wonder!

Our dedication is to Jehovah our Salvation, Jesus the Christ our Lord and our God. This same dedication is by HIS work in us as we move at HIS direction in Zambia, Africa. Holiness by HIS Grace, the gift of eternal life in Jesus, is our desire for the Tribal People of Africa; that they may turn to HIM receiving forgiveness, remission of sin, just as we have received according to the Scripture.

Phil and Melody Stephens, Servants of Jesus the Christ

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tragedy to triumph

My dear friend, Pastor Kebby Malamo, was beaten and left for dead this week. I have known him since July 2000. I walked with him in the bush, working with him in an all night Bible Conference the first time I met him.

We were together when the first penetration to Kooma area was made. There is a Baptist Church there now under the ministry the Lord has given us.

He is recovering and while he is recovering, there were several that came to Christ today at Church where Kebby serves on Pastoral staff with a dear Missionary friend of mine that founded that same Church. I know, I was there. I saw tragedy turn to triumph as several men came forward receiving Jesus the Sovereign Savior.

Take that you old Devil! Jesus is still King and still has all power, and whether we live or die we are the Lord's, "For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living". We are with Jesus, who turns tragedy to triumph, to HIS honor and glory.

Kebby, the Lord raise you up to continue the fight! "Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before. Christ the Royal Master, leads against the the sign of triumph, Satan's host doth flee; on then Christian Soldiers on to victory..." So onward Brother Kebby, on with Christ, do not give place to the Devil! I gave you a Bible, but Jesus gave you life, HIS life!

Your loving Brother in Christ,

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Brother Loyd

Last outpost, village, in Habanyuka valley going north. This is Loyd's home. Confessed drunkard, trouble maker, never prayed in his life. The ones from Victory Baptist, our Church in the valley, knew Loyd well...why everyone in the valley knew him and most were nervous to be near him, I learned later. No white man or Gospel preacher had ever been near him.

When we arrived, I found him to be a black redneck. They hunt, fish, farm and look to get remote and wild. That's my comfort zone, been there (except farm) done that. We were welcomed, hesitantly.

With permission I told the story of the Bible, beginning with the first 'rednecks'. They lived off the land, you know...Adam and Eve. But they rebelled against the Creator, our Holy God. So, for over an hour, I spoke on sin, death and overriding love of the Everlasting Father, the Son given who died for our sins and rose for our justification. The same certain ONE who takes our sin and gives us HIS righteousness.

I told of my sinful life, quite like Loyd's. Loyd asked if Jesus could change him like HE changed me. I said Jesus can and will if Loyd wanted Jesus as Lord and savior. Loyd said, to stunning shock of all there that knew him, "eeeiih, Jesu Kristo" in Texan that is "yep, Jesus Christ".

I told Loyd to just tell the Lord that he wanted his sins forgiven and wanted to have Jesus be his life. Loyd said he did not know how. Some one spoke up and said pray to God. Loyd said he had never prayed. I told Loyd, "just tell God what you want from HIM, like you would tell anyone what is in your heart about them."

Suddenly, he started talking to GOD! Confessions poured out, repentance was declared, trust that Jesus would take his life, forgive his sins, change him...he called out to God for 5 minutes or more. Silence, I mean pin dropping quiet. His family looked in shock. Mr. Mukua who was interpreting for me was speechless and he is never speechless, talks non stop. Given, one of our faithful members, a mighty hunter by repute, shivering from malaria, yet out with us on visitation, slowly broke out in a big smile, and when I proclaimed 'hallelujah", Given said Amen and LOYD LOOKED RELIEVED!

Now, my dear friends, that is a testimony of Jehovah our God quick to convince a sinner of his sin by HIS own Spirit, Holy, and mighty to save that same sinner from that sin, faithful to give that very sinner HIS righteousness, because Christ is our righteousness, redemption, sanctification and wisdom. So we live and move and have our being in the Blessed Savior, a wild and wonderful life here in tribal Africa. Phil

Monday, January 25, 2010

Delivered by Jesus

This is Miriam. Some have heard her story some time back. She was overwhelmed by the darkness of Satan, witchcraft, and on her death bed. Miriam is a believer I have known for over 2 years, but she became involved in a Church that is full of evil spirits even though they claim to believe in Christ. She had opened her physical body to the attack of Satan (Ephesians 4:23-27) because she was not angry with who she was before receiving Christ thereby cooperating with that evil.

With her family and neighbors all around, some witches who have familiar spirits ( see re:this... Leviticus 10:31, 20:6, Deuteronomy 18), they had laid her outside as is their custom when they expect that one to die quickly. Her breathing was so shallow that saliva bubbles did not break with her breath. First, I spoke to all rebuking
with SCRIPTURE the evil of the Devil that I knew was present and active. Then, those from our Church that brought me to her and I went to war in prayer for her life and the Lord raised her up. By the next morning, this young girl was eating and walking around. OUR GOD, Jesus our salvation, is Mighty God and the Prince of Peace.

Sunday, January 24, I greeted Miriam at Church. She now is the lead soprano in our Choir, serving the Lord Jesus. She is full of joy of the Spirit of Christ, the Holy One. I wanted to hug her but let Jesus do it for me.

So as we journeyed this past weekend, we came to the village of
Our first time there, the first to come directly to them with the real Gospel. We greeted the mother of Miriam (holding the little one with the red shirt) and witnessed to them of the saving Grace of the Lord Jesus. They have promised to come to Church soon. They live about 2 miles away as the crow flies...though not sure what that means as I have never seen a crow fly straight, probably some idiom from an idiot...guess that makes me a company idiot for quoting the idiotic least I am an idiot for Jesus...he can use anyone...obviously me being example...and does on a regular basis...using the yielded to show HIS power thru our weakness.

Hallulujah, Amen...I'm in love with Jesus and HE's in love with me!! More stories from this past weekend...later...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Trip toVictory Baptist and beyond, Habanyuka Valley

Past weekend we went to Habanyuka valley. Victory Baptist Church which began meeting together in 2005 after 2 intensive, week long trips there. It is the largest, most faithful work of the LORD our salvation, Jesus the Messiah. We visited 2 villages that had never been seen by a white man, according to Mr. Javist Mukua. He is a 70 plus yr. old member and faithful follower of Christ.

Now, my friends, this is just the first installment this week of our trip. There are stories to come of what God has done this past weekend. There are 3 pictures for now. One reminds me of the line from Robert Frost 'road less traveled'. As you can see (look carefully top center of photo) it is and oxcart trail winding thru the hills in the Habanyuka Valley.

The other pictures are of far greater significance. It reminds me of what Jesus said, ''suffer the little children come unto ME and forbid them not, for such is the kingdom of God". Suffer is a big word having a large definition and one element is do not leave them behind to die! Of course foremost is reaching them with the Gospel. But also the physical. I weep as I write this, because we had 7 children die from malaria, in this valley last 3 weeks, because of lack of medicine. I did not know. We are arranging for meds to go there today, but they need a clinic there, but no funds build. Pray with us on this matter. Well, see ya tomorrow...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Villages Here We Come

Leaving in the morning for Victory Baptist Church in remote valley of Habanyuka. There are 11 Villages in the valley, of which 7 we have not yet reached with the Gospel. So there we go to visit at least 2 of them. I am sure there will be a story or 3 when we return. We have insisted in prayer on the presence and power of JESUS to declare HIS glory and salvation to those we visit. Hallelujah, Amen!! Picture is visitation out of the Church planted there by the LORD beginning 2005. The old woman is deep Tonga, a very Gospel resistant people...but glory to God, she received Christ Jesus by faith.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Howdy again,
To continue what I started on the last Post...internet failed me here, imagine that in 3rd world...the dangers here are real, but the blessings from the LORD are inexplicably greater. This first pic is the hospital toilet (actually dirtier than the picture shows) where we took a patient; young retarded girl Mbweda, rape victim who lost resulting child and is now HIV positive.

This next picture is common here as we travel. This truck turned over partially on the main Southern Province highway. Sometimes it takes weeks to clear them, causing others accident. Drunken truck drivers, narrow and often bad roads, faulty equipment, accidents looking for opportunity.
But remember what Audie my friend says, we are in the LORD'S hands all the time! Well, let us continue with that thought and how HE loves us. HIS blessings are our rejoicing.

Now let me show you HIS blessings, HIS testimonies, stories, accounts written in the hearts and faces of our lovely Zambians and delivered to us by HIS allowing the love of
Jesus to be ours now here in this place.

<- Visitation in the valleys and mountains of and rejoicing, to be allowed by the most high God to carry the name of Jesus to these, HIS love and joy.

<- Here we find two ladies of Victory Baptist in Habanyuka cooking for a Bible Conference.
This same Conference a precious young mother came to Christ, result of visitation by Pastor Costa Musena from our Church at Sianmanjolo.
Also, Saul, headman of the area in the 4x4 visitation picture above, came to Christ saying 'I have been witching and drinking, but now I give my life to Jesu Kristo'. Oh Hallelujah to the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world from sinners!
Stay tuned, God is on the move...Phil
Howdy in Texan from Africa,
Just got back from meeting with American Embassy personnel. Quite interesting. Sometimes we forget the dangers of 3rd world living...however, as my friend Audie says,'we are in the Lord's hands all the time.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Well, this is my first post, so just of a bit of news. Amazing Grace Bible Institute just enrolled another student. That makes 8 now and another possible by end of the week. We wait on the LORD to direct.

Attached is picture of an old man at a mission hospital about 30 klicks out in the bush. Quite a feisty fellow, but became very humble when I mentioned the Lord Jesus. Gave him some Gospel booklets and about a dollar which will feed him for 2 days. Thank you LORD for allowing me to help this one named Robert, old but important.