Tuesday was final day for this term. I preached to the 5th to 7th grade classes inviting them to receive Jesus Christ as their own Lord and Savior to follow HIM in repentant faith believing HE died for their sins, and would be their eternal Life. 18 responded.
Is it worth the sacrifice of homeland, family fellowship and close personal friends in Texas and across USA? Yea and more, it is worth the humble honoring of the call and enablement of the Lord Jesus Emmanuel, Messiah, King of saints, who died for me that HE might deliver me from this present evil world; it is worth more than anything and I think of the words of that old hymn, "I'd rather have Jesus, than silver or gold, I'd rather have Jesus than riches untold, I'd rather have Jesus than anything, this world can now afford". Oh that HIS Life be my life for HIS sake and for the sake of the lost and lonely needing HIS deliverance from death, hell and the grave!
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