Within 3 years, they had deserted him in a bush village. He continued to serve the Lord, going to his home and finding the wife the Lord of Glory had prepared for him. They moved to a farm where he worked and taught Bible to the other workers who would listen.
During that time, he requested to work with us in his ministry, but due to the fact that some missionaries with other ministries have a possessive nature even of those they desert, I had tell him no.
Finally a year later I saw him in town and the Lord spoke to my heart to visit with him. After meeting with him, I let the ones who did first training with him know that I intended to pursue a ministry (servants serving the Master and Creator of the universe) relationship with Aaron. Their Zambian Pastor came to my home and thanked me saying Aaron was the most faithful they had trained and please work with him to the Glory of God the Mighty to save.
Now Pastor Aaron oversees Grace Baptist of Kooma and 3 regular Bible studies in his area (while farming and helping his wife have a small bush village store selling necessary items to villagers at reasonable prices).
This past week, his youngest daughter, Princess, while playing did a typical 3 year old child thing of curiosity putting stick inside her. Mary knew there was something wrong and finally Princess admitted what she had done but said it was out of her. But it was not having broken off inside and that part finally coming out.
They brought her to the hospital because it was apparent there was some infection. The doctors told them she would have to have an operation, a deadly danger here to life of the patient.
While Mary waited at the hospital, Aaron came to my house and we prayed earnestly for the Lord our God to touch her and take control of the surgeon. The next morning before the surgeon came in, I went to the hospital and we praying again commending her to the oversight of Jesus Emmanuel our God and Savior with the same request of a Roman Officer to Jesus, "say the word and my servant will be healed". Evidently, that is what the Lord Jesus our Messiah did by His word of decree...2 hours later Aaron, Mary and Princess were in our home with clear bill of health after close internal examination only having an irritated place inside of her that was healing. See photo of Princess having just escaped the hospital and surgery.
Hallelujah, glorious impossible by the Right Hand of Jehovah our Savior and King;
See you soon,
Phil and Melody of Africa
Glad you are back in the bush as safe and sound as you can be in God's will. Praying for ya'll. ~Marty and Family in Greenland