In this world of the wicked pursuits of people full of sin, there must be those that refuse the evil and choose that which is good...and Jesus said there is none good but God, Jehovah, the Most High and Eternal Sovereign Creator.
The lives of people around the world deserve for us, believers who in repentant obedient Faith of Christ do exactly what He requires when He told His disciples, "Follow Me". It is not the hype of song, dance, exuberance of the moment that is fulfilled holiness. Rather it is the resulting Life of very Messiah seen in the day to day worship of each one that truly follows HIM.
For that to happen, the whole counsel of our Holy Eternal Almighty God must be given to people so their conversion is real and not a vague religion that is not so different or even incorporates the lusts of the world. These seen below deserve Jesus the real God, Judge and only Savior. Thus HE that very and only God and Savior deserves our denial of self to live in HIS desires for them to have HIS holiness by redemption from sin and this present evil world.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
The Essence Of War With Darkness
Greeting from Zambia Africa! Below is the introduction and first section to booklet that I am writing. It is a work and labor of love for our people here. They are burdened with a tremendous pressure from all sides to believe in the 'traditions of darkness' while professing faith of following Christ.
Let me first say this a deadly combination. If a person PROFESSES but it is not the heart CONFESSION (full agreement with only Jehovah) of that person to believe in repentant Faith to follow only Christ the Savior, Lord Jesus Messiah, then that one is in double jeopardy before the most high God and to the works and minions of darkness.
Read the following if you will. Then comment please. If it is distorted in its format, do the best you can to read it, this blog format shifts paragraphs etc. out of normal profile. AND the pictures did not download with the text, not sure why.
Til we meet again at African Missions on Biblical Steroids. Stay tuned for the story of the vampire bat that has been attacking one of the Pastors and his family since 2010. This will be a true story that is verified by many that can testify of it's reality. Satan is alive and evil in the universe, and working thru his many evil and foul spirits in the realm of man! BUT JESUS HAS ALL POWER IN HEAVEN AND EARTH!!!
Results of Admixture of Darkness and Misuse of Bible Phil Stephens: Holding to the Standards of Scripture the very Words of the Most High God. This article appeared in the BBC News magazine. What the writer finds incredible, I perceive as absolutely incredulous. The form of so called "Christianity" founded by Chief Sechele cannot be considered the intent of or be acceptable to the Most High God seen on earth the Son of God who gave Himself for our sins [Christ died for our sins]. He gave HIMSELF to deliver us from this present evil world, thus the very will of God our Father and our Lord, Jesus Christ (Letter by Paul the Apostle to the Galatian Churches Chapter One verses 1 -5). Read the article, then some more comments I have sent to the man who brought this article to my attention and also sent to my Pastor, Dr. Brann Victory Baptist Church, Cedar Park, Texas. Then read the last section. It is a serious short study on the essence of Christianity as intended by the Most High God, the King of Glory-King of Kings-King of Saints-the LORD Jehovah our Shepherd. *Article found in BBC News Magazine 19 March 2013 Last updated at 00:59 GMT
The African chief converted to Christianity by Dr Livingstone
It is 200 years since the birth of David Livingstone, perhaps
the most famous of the missionaries to visit Africa in the
19th Century. But as author and Church historian Stephen
Tomkins explains, the story of an African chief he converted
is every bit as incredible as Livingstone's.
According to the title of one biography, David Livingstone was "Africa's Greatest Missionary".
This is an interesting claim about the Lanarkshire-born man, considering that estimates of the number of people he converted in the course of his 30-year career vary between one and none.
The variation is because Livingstone himself wrote off his one convert as a backslider within months of his baptism.
The irony is that this one backslider has a much better claim than Livingstone to be Africa's greatest missionary.
This man on whom Livingstone gave up became a preacher, a leader and a pioneer of adapting Christianity to African life - to the great annoyance of European missionaries.
His name was Sechele, and he was the kgosi or chief of the Bakwena tribe, part of the Tswana people, in what is now Botswana.
Born in 1812, he was 10 when his father, the previous kgosi, was killed. Two of his uncles divided the tribe between them. Sechele escaped with a few followers into the desert for nine years, and returned to oust one of his uncles. This was how things stood when Sechele first met Livingstone - he ruled a half-tribe. Livingstone persuaded him to make peace with his other uncle by sending him a gift of gunpowder for his rifle.
The uncle was suspicious that the gunpowder was bewitched, tried to neutralise it with fire, and in the resulting explosion was killed. Sechele thus ruled over a reunited Bakwena.
Like many kgosi, Sechele was keen to have a missionary living in his town. Missionaries came with guns (and powder), making them an invaluable defence, and with medicine.
Sechele amused Livingstone by asking for medicine to make him a better hunter. But the thing Sechele wanted above all from Livingstone was literacy.
He learned the alphabet, upper and lower case, in two days, compiled his own spelling books, and set about reading the one book in the Tswana language, the Bible. He ate breakfast before sunrise in order to start school as quickly as possible, and then taught his wives to read.
As Sechele grew increasingly interested in Christianity, he found two huge barriers in his way. One was rain.
Tswana tribes had rainmakers, whose job was to use magic to make the rain come. Livingstone, like all missionaries, vehemently opposed rainmaking, on both religious and scientific grounds.
Sechele happened to be his tribe's rainmaker as well as kgosi, and Livingstone's stay coincided with the worst drought ever known, so Sechele's decision to stop making rain was predictably unpopular.
The greater problem was polygamy. Sechele had five wives, and Livingstone insisted that to become a Christian he needed get rid of the "superfluous" ones. This was a political as well a personal nightmare, threatening the political structure of the tribe and relations with other tribes.
But in 1848 Sechele divorced four of the women and was baptised. The following year, however, one of his exes became pregnant, and it turned out that Sechele had fallen. He repented, and told Livingstone: "Do not give me up because of this. I shall never give up Jesus. You and I will stand before him together."
Livingstone did give up on him, going north to embark upon his celebrated adventures.
Their last contact was in 1852. Sechele had fought off an attack from the Transvaal Boers, and was en route to Britain to ask Queen Victoria's protection. He got as far as the Cape before being turned back.
At this point, Sechele largely disappears from view. His reappearance was startling.
The first British missionaries who arrived to work with the Zulu Ndebele tribe in what is now Zimbabwe in 1859 were staggered to find that they already had regular Christian prayers. Sechele had beaten them to it.
Sechele had decided to lead church services for his own people after Livingstone left. He taught reading, the Bible became popular, and slowly the Bakwena became Christian.
Sechele travelled hundreds of miles as a missionary to other tribes, and having withstood the Boers, the Bakwena became a refuge, absorbing many tribes into their Christian society. At his death in 1892, Sechele ruled 30,000 people, a hundred times the number Livingstone first found him with.
African Christianity: Does it owe more to Sechele than Livingstone?
In the estimation of Neil Parsons, of the University of Botswana, Sechele "did more to propagate Christianity in nineteenth-century southern Africa than virtually any single European missionary".
For European missionaries though, Sechele was a frustrating puzzle, "a half Christian and a half heathen".
He returned to rainmaking, considering it a political necessity, and late in life returned to polygamy, marrying a young woman for what do not seem to have been entirely political reasons.
Missionaries also strongly objected to his use of traditional charms and purification rites, and the list of his ancestors on the church wall.
And yet, even the ones who most hated him admitted, "he reads the Bible threadbare", and when confronted he ran scriptural rings around them.
"Roger had to keep his wits about him," wrote the missionary Elizabeth Price about her husband, "or he would have been lost, so wily and cunning is Sechele - murdering sacred scripture and bringing it to defend him in a way which horrifies and amazes one. A strange, strange mixture he is."
The strange mixture was in fact African Christianity. Unlike other converts who were content to follow European Christianity, Sechele went back to the source and recreated it as an indigenous religion.
Hopefully, in the year of Livingstone's bicentennial, Sechele will finally get a bit more of the recognition due to him.
Foot notes:
From BBC News Report Special Interest article.
Stephen Tomkins is the author of David Livingstone: The Unexplored Story
MY REPONSE in consideration to the very Scripture themselves.
Note: this was sent to my Pastor:
Pastor, please read the article if you will, and know it is this kind of "Christianity" that plagues us still. Also know that this issue is most discouraging to me at times; yet I can take you to 3 men here that have seen the truth of the Life of Christ in true believers and are teaching a few others the same.
"African Christianity" is as heinous as Romans 10:1-3 describes the descendants of Israel to be in Paul the Apostle’s times. "African Christianity" is an absolute oxymoron as described in this article. David Livingstone was right; therefore Sechele did more to distort, "snatch" away and choke the precious seed of the word of Christ than to encourage it in any form. What David L. called backsliding was a Chief gladly receiving the word then without truly submitting to the righteousness of God changed it into his own religion calling it Christianity. [Matthew 13 and Romans 1]
That religion of Sechele was a religion of greed, witchcraft, lasciviousness (uncontrolled lust for forbidden) of adultery and fornication. It is a religion still used with crafty deceit by religious leaders and Chiefs all over this dark continent to gain power, prestige and wealth. It gives new steriodially wicked meaning to "going about to establish their own righteousness" and emphasizes the words of Christ regarding HIS Kingdom," depart from me ye workers of iniquity" and "few there be that find it". Tell Alex that I thank him for reminding me to continue to preach against witchcraft that is here taught can coincide and coexist with the Eternal Life of Christ in the Church or in the true believer. It cannot!
Standing firm on the very Scripture of Jehovah the Everlasting Father, Mighty God, Prince of Peace!
Phil Stephens Missionary to and in Zambia
Among Tribal Village People 13th year; March 20, 2013
What is Biblical Christianity?
Who Is Jesus Emmanuel Christ?
What Did HE Intend When HE Told Men "Follow ME"?
Biblical Christianity is not "European, African, Chinese, American, Spanish, Roman or Muslim". It is Heavenly, eternal, righteous as defined in Scripture without deceptive misuse to fit any culture that is of this present evil world!
The definition of Christian is ‘Like Christ’. It is the result of Christ the Holy One of God seen to be the Life of the person that is redeemed by the blood of Jesus the Messiah from Satan and sin. As Sechele wore his bible threadbare yet changed its truth to a lie, he aligned himself with the Pharisees of Jesus Emmanuel’s days on earth. They knew the Scripture VERY WELL, but changed it to fit their own self made righteousness which Isaiah the Prophet described as filthy rags. Sechele’s African "Christianity" was not Christian at all.
The essence of Christianity was delivered by Jehovah to the family of Adam and Eve; the blood sacrifice of promised LAMB OF GOD was seen when the shame of their sin was covered by skins of animals as result of death and shed blood of innocent animal. The promise was again shown by Abel in Scripture, Genesis 4.
This essential Truth of promise shown, which was fulfilled in Jesus Emmanuel the Lord and Christ, was continued after the flood of Genesis through Abraham who was called out of wicked society of the Chaldean/Syrian culture. His family heritage of separation from worldly sin and false worship was carried on through his linage which became known as Israel, defined "personal persistent determination with God, Warrior unto God".
In Genesis 35:10 and the verses that follow, we find the LORD Jehovah Almighty giving the name Israel to Jacob and his descendants. There in that passage of Scripture we also see prophesy of the place of birth and 2 names of Jesus Christ. The place of birth confirmed in Micah 4-5 was the tower of flocks "migdal Edar" at Bethlehem of Ephradah. The names were; son (man) of sorrows who would be bruised for our iniquity, Isaiah 53 and, son of right hand, right hand of God seen throughout the Old Testament as right hand that has gotten victory for Jehovah Psalm 98:1-2.
The blood sacrifice and promise of the Messiah Savior dying for our sin is shown over and over again through blood sacrifices by Israel. It is prophesied clearly by Isaiah Chapter 53 and Daniel Chapter 9. It is seen from the foundation of the world until the promise was fulfilled when John the Baptist said of Jesus Christ, "Behold the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world".
This essence of Christianity promised was fulfilled when Jehovah became flesh and was seen the very Son of God, Lord Jesus, Emmanuel Messiah. This same Savior who gave Himself a sacrifice for our sins, expects us to believe in HIM to follow HIM in righteousness of HIS Life putting away the filthiness of the flesh!
There is to be no mixture in true Christianity (those followers of Christ who are like Christ by the Life of Christ that is in them by faith) with witchcraft; witches, familiar spirits, evil and foul spirits, divination, observer of times, enchanters charmers (using charms of darkness/Satan) consulters with familiar spirits, wizards and
necromancer AND lusts of sin against the commandments, precepts, judgments of the holiness of Jehovah as seen in Scripture: worship of other gods, bow to graven images [using by having faith in man made objects for worship], taking name of Jehovah in vain [claiming HIM as God yet holding to the defiled practices of darkness and sin], sanctifying a day of rest unto the LORD Jehovah, dishonoring parents, murder, adultery [ any sexual sin explained in Leviticus and Deuteronomy or the adultery of mixing spiritually with heathen of darkness, rejecters of Almighty Jehovah], stealing, false witness which is giving lies not truth, covetousness [desire with intent to take] of that which belongs to your neighbor.
These commands and judgments of Jehovah, which are not to be found in the people of Jehovah, continue by explanation in New Testament; rioting/reveling which is wild parties of drinking and disobeying holiness of God, drunkenness, chambering which is sleeping carnally with anyone other than spouse [and from the beginning it was one man one woman one flesh as Pharisees were reminded by Jesus], wantonness/lasciousness which is unrestrained lust of worldly pleasures.
Here is a quote from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians; *notice the words ‘uncleanness and unclean person’ which word ‘unclean’ is applied to evil spirits of darkness and witchcraft by Jesus].
"Be ye followers of God as dear children; and walk in love as Christ has loved us and has given Himself for an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savor. But fornication, and ALL uncleanness or covetousness () LET IT NOT BE NAMED ONCE AMONG YOU AS BECOMES (is proper for) SAINTS; neither filthiness (shameful sinful conduct just like Adam and Eve were ashamed after rebellion against Jehovah) nor foolish talking (words of a fool, like the fool has said in his heart NO GOD), nor jesting (making a joke of God),which are not convenient but rather give thanks. For this you know that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man who is an idolater has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU WITH VAIN WORDS: FOR BECAUSE OF THESE THINGS COMES THE WRATH OF GOD UPON THE CHILDREN OF DISOBEDIENCE. BE YE NOT THEREFORE PARTAKERS WITH THEM! FOR YE (followers of God) WERE SOMETIMES DARKNESS, BUT NOW ARE LIGHT IN THE LORD (the Life of Jesus Emmanuel the Lord and Christ is Light and in HIM is no darkness as told to us by John the beloved Apostle) WALK AS CHILDREN OF LIGHT FOR THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT IS IN ALL GOODNESS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS AND TRUTH PROVING WHAT IS ACCEPTABLE UNTO THE LORD. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
Read again what Paul wrote and know the things of sin and darkness are not to be found among the people of the LORD Jehovah.[Leviticus 17, 20,Deuteronomy 4-18, Isaiah 8:19-22, Exodus 20, Ephesians, 1 John 1:1-9 ]. The people redeemed by Jesus Emmanuel are to be the holiness of Jehovah which holiness is received by faith in HIS mercy, grace and forgiveness. It is received by those who will follow only HIM with all their heart in repentant obedient Faith of Jesus Christ!
Read carefully what Paul also wrote to Titus a disciple of Jesus Christ trained by Paul to follow Christ in faith believing only the Lord of glory:
" For the grace that brings SALVATION has appeared to ALL men, TEACHING us that denying UNGODLINESS AND WORLDLY LUSTS WE SHOULD LIVE SOBERLY, RIGHTEOUSLY AND GODLY IN THIS PRESENT EVIL WORLD; looking for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of THE GREAT GOD AND OUR SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST; WHO GAVE HIMSELF FOR US, THAT HE MIGHT REDEEM US FROM ALL INIQUITY AND PURIFY UNTO HIMSELF A PECULIAR PEOPLE ZEALOUS OF GOOD WORKS. These things speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority (order of commandment).
Jesus said to his 11 disciples, Apostles, according to Matthew’s account of the Gospel, Jesus Christ:
"All power in heaven and earth is given to me. Go ye therefore and teach (make disciples/learners in) all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things which I have commanded you, and LO I am with you alway even to the end of the world"!
Jesus is with those that learn of HIM by being taught who HE is , then they are to have the testimony of baptism which shows repentance from sin and obedience by faith to the Gospel which is Jesus Christ who died
for our sins and arose from the dead victorious over death hell and the grave to live unto GOD which is the picture of fulfilled righteousness. Baptism is our testimony of promise to follow HIM in Life unto THE GOD not unto sin anymore. AND Jesus’ command to learn all what HE commands which HE has fulfilled for us and we have HIS power to live by HIS Life in us if we truly believe to follow HIM…I am with you alway" not sin and darkness!
Paul made this clear in Romans 6 that our life is not for sin any more. It is a Life of living unto God, a separation from sin evil wickedness darkness ungodliness unholiness. The righteousness of Jesus Christ our Lord and our God does not mix or coexist with evil worship and practice of darkness.
Paul wrote to the Ephesians:
"…e who were dead in your trespasses and sin has HE quickened (made alive) for by grace are ye saved; and has raised us up together and made us to sit in heavenly places IN CHRIST JESUS"
God has made us alive by grace the undeserved gift of God, eternal Life, to walk in that which is heavenly, not darkness of sin and evil and worship of evil spirits by practicing the wickedness of Satan the deceiver. Paul continues:
"For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the GIFT of God (Romans 6:23 says the "gift of God is eternal Life through Jesus Christ our LORD!"): Not of (man’s) works lest any man should boast. For we are HIS workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before ordained we should walk in them." *John said in 1John 2:6 that we should "walk as HE (Jesus) walked".+
Any that believe in Jesus Christ to follow HIM have eternal Life, Jesus very Life of good works for us and in us as we follow ONLY HIM. It is a life of separation. It is the eternal Life of the FATHER of LIGHTS given to us by Jesus when HE washed us from our sins and made us new by birth to live unto GOD, Jehovah and HIM alone
Let me first say this a deadly combination. If a person PROFESSES but it is not the heart CONFESSION (full agreement with only Jehovah) of that person to believe in repentant Faith to follow only Christ the Savior, Lord Jesus Messiah, then that one is in double jeopardy before the most high God and to the works and minions of darkness.
Read the following if you will. Then comment please. If it is distorted in its format, do the best you can to read it, this blog format shifts paragraphs etc. out of normal profile. AND the pictures did not download with the text, not sure why.
Til we meet again at African Missions on Biblical Steroids. Stay tuned for the story of the vampire bat that has been attacking one of the Pastors and his family since 2010. This will be a true story that is verified by many that can testify of it's reality. Satan is alive and evil in the universe, and working thru his many evil and foul spirits in the realm of man! BUT JESUS HAS ALL POWER IN HEAVEN AND EARTH!!!
Results of Admixture of Darkness and Misuse of Bible Phil Stephens: Holding to the Standards of Scripture the very Words of the Most High God. This article appeared in the BBC News magazine. What the writer finds incredible, I perceive as absolutely incredulous. The form of so called "Christianity" founded by Chief Sechele cannot be considered the intent of or be acceptable to the Most High God seen on earth the Son of God who gave Himself for our sins [Christ died for our sins]. He gave HIMSELF to deliver us from this present evil world, thus the very will of God our Father and our Lord, Jesus Christ (Letter by Paul the Apostle to the Galatian Churches Chapter One verses 1 -5). Read the article, then some more comments I have sent to the man who brought this article to my attention and also sent to my Pastor, Dr. Brann Victory Baptist Church, Cedar Park, Texas. Then read the last section. It is a serious short study on the essence of Christianity as intended by the Most High God, the King of Glory-King of Kings-King of Saints-the LORD Jehovah our Shepherd. *Article found in BBC News Magazine 19 March 2013 Last updated at 00:59 GMT
The African chief converted to Christianity by Dr Livingstone
It is 200 years since the birth of David Livingstone, perhaps
the most famous of the missionaries to visit Africa in the
19th Century. But as author and Church historian Stephen
Tomkins explains, the story of an African chief he converted
is every bit as incredible as Livingstone's.
According to the title of one biography, David Livingstone was "Africa's Greatest Missionary".
This is an interesting claim about the Lanarkshire-born man, considering that estimates of the number of people he converted in the course of his 30-year career vary between one and none.
The variation is because Livingstone himself wrote off his one convert as a backslider within months of his baptism.
The irony is that this one backslider has a much better claim than Livingstone to be Africa's greatest missionary.
This man on whom Livingstone gave up became a preacher, a leader and a pioneer of adapting Christianity to African life - to the great annoyance of European missionaries.
His name was Sechele, and he was the kgosi or chief of the Bakwena tribe, part of the Tswana people, in what is now Botswana.
Born in 1812, he was 10 when his father, the previous kgosi, was killed. Two of his uncles divided the tribe between them. Sechele escaped with a few followers into the desert for nine years, and returned to oust one of his uncles. This was how things stood when Sechele first met Livingstone - he ruled a half-tribe. Livingstone persuaded him to make peace with his other uncle by sending him a gift of gunpowder for his rifle.
The uncle was suspicious that the gunpowder was bewitched, tried to neutralise it with fire, and in the resulting explosion was killed. Sechele thus ruled over a reunited Bakwena.
Like many kgosi, Sechele was keen to have a missionary living in his town. Missionaries came with guns (and powder), making them an invaluable defence, and with medicine.
Sechele amused Livingstone by asking for medicine to make him a better hunter. But the thing Sechele wanted above all from Livingstone was literacy.
He learned the alphabet, upper and lower case, in two days, compiled his own spelling books, and set about reading the one book in the Tswana language, the Bible. He ate breakfast before sunrise in order to start school as quickly as possible, and then taught his wives to read.
As Sechele grew increasingly interested in Christianity, he found two huge barriers in his way. One was rain.
Tswana tribes had rainmakers, whose job was to use magic to make the rain come. Livingstone, like all missionaries, vehemently opposed rainmaking, on both religious and scientific grounds.
Sechele happened to be his tribe's rainmaker as well as kgosi, and Livingstone's stay coincided with the worst drought ever known, so Sechele's decision to stop making rain was predictably unpopular.
The greater problem was polygamy. Sechele had five wives, and Livingstone insisted that to become a Christian he needed get rid of the "superfluous" ones. This was a political as well a personal nightmare, threatening the political structure of the tribe and relations with other tribes.
But in 1848 Sechele divorced four of the women and was baptised. The following year, however, one of his exes became pregnant, and it turned out that Sechele had fallen. He repented, and told Livingstone: "Do not give me up because of this. I shall never give up Jesus. You and I will stand before him together."
Livingstone did give up on him, going north to embark upon his celebrated adventures.
Their last contact was in 1852. Sechele had fought off an attack from the Transvaal Boers, and was en route to Britain to ask Queen Victoria's protection. He got as far as the Cape before being turned back.
At this point, Sechele largely disappears from view. His reappearance was startling.
The first British missionaries who arrived to work with the Zulu Ndebele tribe in what is now Zimbabwe in 1859 were staggered to find that they already had regular Christian prayers. Sechele had beaten them to it.
Sechele had decided to lead church services for his own people after Livingstone left. He taught reading, the Bible became popular, and slowly the Bakwena became Christian.
Sechele travelled hundreds of miles as a missionary to other tribes, and having withstood the Boers, the Bakwena became a refuge, absorbing many tribes into their Christian society. At his death in 1892, Sechele ruled 30,000 people, a hundred times the number Livingstone first found him with.
African Christianity: Does it owe more to Sechele than Livingstone?
In the estimation of Neil Parsons, of the University of Botswana, Sechele "did more to propagate Christianity in nineteenth-century southern Africa than virtually any single European missionary".
For European missionaries though, Sechele was a frustrating puzzle, "a half Christian and a half heathen".
He returned to rainmaking, considering it a political necessity, and late in life returned to polygamy, marrying a young woman for what do not seem to have been entirely political reasons.
Missionaries also strongly objected to his use of traditional charms and purification rites, and the list of his ancestors on the church wall.
And yet, even the ones who most hated him admitted, "he reads the Bible threadbare", and when confronted he ran scriptural rings around them.
"Roger had to keep his wits about him," wrote the missionary Elizabeth Price about her husband, "or he would have been lost, so wily and cunning is Sechele - murdering sacred scripture and bringing it to defend him in a way which horrifies and amazes one. A strange, strange mixture he is."
The strange mixture was in fact African Christianity. Unlike other converts who were content to follow European Christianity, Sechele went back to the source and recreated it as an indigenous religion.
Hopefully, in the year of Livingstone's bicentennial, Sechele will finally get a bit more of the recognition due to him.
Foot notes:
From BBC News Report Special Interest article.
Stephen Tomkins is the author of David Livingstone: The Unexplored Story
MY REPONSE in consideration to the very Scripture themselves.
Note: this was sent to my Pastor:
Pastor, please read the article if you will, and know it is this kind of "Christianity" that plagues us still. Also know that this issue is most discouraging to me at times; yet I can take you to 3 men here that have seen the truth of the Life of Christ in true believers and are teaching a few others the same.
"African Christianity" is as heinous as Romans 10:1-3 describes the descendants of Israel to be in Paul the Apostle’s times. "African Christianity" is an absolute oxymoron as described in this article. David Livingstone was right; therefore Sechele did more to distort, "snatch" away and choke the precious seed of the word of Christ than to encourage it in any form. What David L. called backsliding was a Chief gladly receiving the word then without truly submitting to the righteousness of God changed it into his own religion calling it Christianity. [Matthew 13 and Romans 1]
That religion of Sechele was a religion of greed, witchcraft, lasciviousness (uncontrolled lust for forbidden) of adultery and fornication. It is a religion still used with crafty deceit by religious leaders and Chiefs all over this dark continent to gain power, prestige and wealth. It gives new steriodially wicked meaning to "going about to establish their own righteousness" and emphasizes the words of Christ regarding HIS Kingdom," depart from me ye workers of iniquity" and "few there be that find it". Tell Alex that I thank him for reminding me to continue to preach against witchcraft that is here taught can coincide and coexist with the Eternal Life of Christ in the Church or in the true believer. It cannot!
Standing firm on the very Scripture of Jehovah the Everlasting Father, Mighty God, Prince of Peace!
Phil Stephens Missionary to and in Zambia
Among Tribal Village People 13th year; March 20, 2013
What is Biblical Christianity?
Who Is Jesus Emmanuel Christ?
What Did HE Intend When HE Told Men "Follow ME"?
Biblical Christianity is not "European, African, Chinese, American, Spanish, Roman or Muslim". It is Heavenly, eternal, righteous as defined in Scripture without deceptive misuse to fit any culture that is of this present evil world!
The definition of Christian is ‘Like Christ’. It is the result of Christ the Holy One of God seen to be the Life of the person that is redeemed by the blood of Jesus the Messiah from Satan and sin. As Sechele wore his bible threadbare yet changed its truth to a lie, he aligned himself with the Pharisees of Jesus Emmanuel’s days on earth. They knew the Scripture VERY WELL, but changed it to fit their own self made righteousness which Isaiah the Prophet described as filthy rags. Sechele’s African "Christianity" was not Christian at all.
The essence of Christianity was delivered by Jehovah to the family of Adam and Eve; the blood sacrifice of promised LAMB OF GOD was seen when the shame of their sin was covered by skins of animals as result of death and shed blood of innocent animal. The promise was again shown by Abel in Scripture, Genesis 4.
This essential Truth of promise shown, which was fulfilled in Jesus Emmanuel the Lord and Christ, was continued after the flood of Genesis through Abraham who was called out of wicked society of the Chaldean/Syrian culture. His family heritage of separation from worldly sin and false worship was carried on through his linage which became known as Israel, defined "personal persistent determination with God, Warrior unto God".
In Genesis 35:10 and the verses that follow, we find the LORD Jehovah Almighty giving the name Israel to Jacob and his descendants. There in that passage of Scripture we also see prophesy of the place of birth and 2 names of Jesus Christ. The place of birth confirmed in Micah 4-5 was the tower of flocks "migdal Edar" at Bethlehem of Ephradah. The names were; son (man) of sorrows who would be bruised for our iniquity, Isaiah 53 and, son of right hand, right hand of God seen throughout the Old Testament as right hand that has gotten victory for Jehovah Psalm 98:1-2.
The blood sacrifice and promise of the Messiah Savior dying for our sin is shown over and over again through blood sacrifices by Israel. It is prophesied clearly by Isaiah Chapter 53 and Daniel Chapter 9. It is seen from the foundation of the world until the promise was fulfilled when John the Baptist said of Jesus Christ, "Behold the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world".
This essence of Christianity promised was fulfilled when Jehovah became flesh and was seen the very Son of God, Lord Jesus, Emmanuel Messiah. This same Savior who gave Himself a sacrifice for our sins, expects us to believe in HIM to follow HIM in righteousness of HIS Life putting away the filthiness of the flesh!
There is to be no mixture in true Christianity (those followers of Christ who are like Christ by the Life of Christ that is in them by faith) with witchcraft; witches, familiar spirits, evil and foul spirits, divination, observer of times, enchanters charmers (using charms of darkness/Satan) consulters with familiar spirits, wizards and
necromancer AND lusts of sin against the commandments, precepts, judgments of the holiness of Jehovah as seen in Scripture: worship of other gods, bow to graven images [using by having faith in man made objects for worship], taking name of Jehovah in vain [claiming HIM as God yet holding to the defiled practices of darkness and sin], sanctifying a day of rest unto the LORD Jehovah, dishonoring parents, murder, adultery [ any sexual sin explained in Leviticus and Deuteronomy or the adultery of mixing spiritually with heathen of darkness, rejecters of Almighty Jehovah], stealing, false witness which is giving lies not truth, covetousness [desire with intent to take] of that which belongs to your neighbor.
These commands and judgments of Jehovah, which are not to be found in the people of Jehovah, continue by explanation in New Testament; rioting/reveling which is wild parties of drinking and disobeying holiness of God, drunkenness, chambering which is sleeping carnally with anyone other than spouse [and from the beginning it was one man one woman one flesh as Pharisees were reminded by Jesus], wantonness/lasciousness which is unrestrained lust of worldly pleasures.
Here is a quote from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians; *notice the words ‘uncleanness and unclean person’ which word ‘unclean’ is applied to evil spirits of darkness and witchcraft by Jesus].
"Be ye followers of God as dear children; and walk in love as Christ has loved us and has given Himself for an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savor. But fornication, and ALL uncleanness or covetousness () LET IT NOT BE NAMED ONCE AMONG YOU AS BECOMES (is proper for) SAINTS; neither filthiness (shameful sinful conduct just like Adam and Eve were ashamed after rebellion against Jehovah) nor foolish talking (words of a fool, like the fool has said in his heart NO GOD), nor jesting (making a joke of God),which are not convenient but rather give thanks. For this you know that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man who is an idolater has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU WITH VAIN WORDS: FOR BECAUSE OF THESE THINGS COMES THE WRATH OF GOD UPON THE CHILDREN OF DISOBEDIENCE. BE YE NOT THEREFORE PARTAKERS WITH THEM! FOR YE (followers of God) WERE SOMETIMES DARKNESS, BUT NOW ARE LIGHT IN THE LORD (the Life of Jesus Emmanuel the Lord and Christ is Light and in HIM is no darkness as told to us by John the beloved Apostle) WALK AS CHILDREN OF LIGHT FOR THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT IS IN ALL GOODNESS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS AND TRUTH PROVING WHAT IS ACCEPTABLE UNTO THE LORD. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
Read again what Paul wrote and know the things of sin and darkness are not to be found among the people of the LORD Jehovah.[Leviticus 17, 20,Deuteronomy 4-18, Isaiah 8:19-22, Exodus 20, Ephesians, 1 John 1:1-9 ]. The people redeemed by Jesus Emmanuel are to be the holiness of Jehovah which holiness is received by faith in HIS mercy, grace and forgiveness. It is received by those who will follow only HIM with all their heart in repentant obedient Faith of Jesus Christ!
Read carefully what Paul also wrote to Titus a disciple of Jesus Christ trained by Paul to follow Christ in faith believing only the Lord of glory:
" For the grace that brings SALVATION has appeared to ALL men, TEACHING us that denying UNGODLINESS AND WORLDLY LUSTS WE SHOULD LIVE SOBERLY, RIGHTEOUSLY AND GODLY IN THIS PRESENT EVIL WORLD; looking for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of THE GREAT GOD AND OUR SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST; WHO GAVE HIMSELF FOR US, THAT HE MIGHT REDEEM US FROM ALL INIQUITY AND PURIFY UNTO HIMSELF A PECULIAR PEOPLE ZEALOUS OF GOOD WORKS. These things speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority (order of commandment).
Jesus said to his 11 disciples, Apostles, according to Matthew’s account of the Gospel, Jesus Christ:
"All power in heaven and earth is given to me. Go ye therefore and teach (make disciples/learners in) all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things which I have commanded you, and LO I am with you alway even to the end of the world"!
Jesus is with those that learn of HIM by being taught who HE is , then they are to have the testimony of baptism which shows repentance from sin and obedience by faith to the Gospel which is Jesus Christ who died
for our sins and arose from the dead victorious over death hell and the grave to live unto GOD which is the picture of fulfilled righteousness. Baptism is our testimony of promise to follow HIM in Life unto THE GOD not unto sin anymore. AND Jesus’ command to learn all what HE commands which HE has fulfilled for us and we have HIS power to live by HIS Life in us if we truly believe to follow HIM…I am with you alway" not sin and darkness!
Paul made this clear in Romans 6 that our life is not for sin any more. It is a Life of living unto God, a separation from sin evil wickedness darkness ungodliness unholiness. The righteousness of Jesus Christ our Lord and our God does not mix or coexist with evil worship and practice of darkness.
Paul wrote to the Ephesians:
"…e who were dead in your trespasses and sin has HE quickened (made alive) for by grace are ye saved; and has raised us up together and made us to sit in heavenly places IN CHRIST JESUS"
God has made us alive by grace the undeserved gift of God, eternal Life, to walk in that which is heavenly, not darkness of sin and evil and worship of evil spirits by practicing the wickedness of Satan the deceiver. Paul continues:
"For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the GIFT of God (Romans 6:23 says the "gift of God is eternal Life through Jesus Christ our LORD!"): Not of (man’s) works lest any man should boast. For we are HIS workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before ordained we should walk in them." *John said in 1John 2:6 that we should "walk as HE (Jesus) walked".+
Any that believe in Jesus Christ to follow HIM have eternal Life, Jesus very Life of good works for us and in us as we follow ONLY HIM. It is a life of separation. It is the eternal Life of the FATHER of LIGHTS given to us by Jesus when HE washed us from our sins and made us new by birth to live unto GOD, Jehovah and HIM alone
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Faithfulness Breaths Faith
Pastor Aaron Siaziombo and his wife Mary serve the Blessed Lord Jesus faithfully in a bush village over an hour from Livingstone where Melody and I live. I first met him when he went with me to Habbanyuka valley, a remote area bush location 2 1/2 hours at that time from the asphalt. He went with me twice from his Bible School where he was training to serve in their ministry.
Within 3 years, they had deserted him in a bush village. He continued to serve the Lord, going to his home and finding the wife the Lord of Glory had prepared for him. They moved to a farm where he worked and taught Bible to the other workers who would listen.
During that time, he requested to work with us in his ministry, but due to the fact that some missionaries with other ministries have a possessive nature even of those they desert, I had tell him no.
Finally a year later I saw him in town and the Lord spoke to my heart to visit with him. After meeting with him, I let the ones who did first training with him know that I intended to pursue a ministry (servants serving the Master and Creator of the universe) relationship with Aaron. Their Zambian Pastor came to my home and thanked me saying Aaron was the most faithful they had trained and please work with him to the Glory of God the Mighty to save.
Now Pastor Aaron oversees Grace Baptist of Kooma and 3 regular Bible studies in his area (while farming and helping his wife have a small bush village store selling necessary items to villagers at reasonable prices).
This past week, his youngest daughter, Princess, while playing did a typical 3 year old child thing of curiosity putting stick inside her. Mary knew there was something wrong and finally Princess admitted what she had done but said it was out of her. But it was not having broken off inside and that part finally coming out.
They brought her to the hospital because it was apparent there was some infection. The doctors told them she would have to have an operation, a deadly danger here to life of the patient.
While Mary waited at the hospital, Aaron came to my house and we prayed earnestly for the Lord our God to touch her and take control of the surgeon. The next morning before the surgeon came in, I went to the hospital and we praying again commending her to the oversight of Jesus Emmanuel our God and Savior with the same request of a Roman Officer to Jesus, "say the word and my servant will be healed". Evidently, that is what the Lord Jesus our Messiah did by His word of decree...2 hours later Aaron, Mary and Princess were in our home with clear bill of health after close internal examination only having an irritated place inside of her that was healing. See photo of Princess having just escaped the hospital and surgery.
Lord may I in faith just request you say the word for each day of service in our ministry with you our Life and that Eternal.
Hallelujah, glorious impossible by the Right Hand of Jehovah our Savior and King;
See you soon,
Phil and Melody of Africa
Within 3 years, they had deserted him in a bush village. He continued to serve the Lord, going to his home and finding the wife the Lord of Glory had prepared for him. They moved to a farm where he worked and taught Bible to the other workers who would listen.
During that time, he requested to work with us in his ministry, but due to the fact that some missionaries with other ministries have a possessive nature even of those they desert, I had tell him no.
Finally a year later I saw him in town and the Lord spoke to my heart to visit with him. After meeting with him, I let the ones who did first training with him know that I intended to pursue a ministry (servants serving the Master and Creator of the universe) relationship with Aaron. Their Zambian Pastor came to my home and thanked me saying Aaron was the most faithful they had trained and please work with him to the Glory of God the Mighty to save.
Now Pastor Aaron oversees Grace Baptist of Kooma and 3 regular Bible studies in his area (while farming and helping his wife have a small bush village store selling necessary items to villagers at reasonable prices).
This past week, his youngest daughter, Princess, while playing did a typical 3 year old child thing of curiosity putting stick inside her. Mary knew there was something wrong and finally Princess admitted what she had done but said it was out of her. But it was not having broken off inside and that part finally coming out.
They brought her to the hospital because it was apparent there was some infection. The doctors told them she would have to have an operation, a deadly danger here to life of the patient.
While Mary waited at the hospital, Aaron came to my house and we prayed earnestly for the Lord our God to touch her and take control of the surgeon. The next morning before the surgeon came in, I went to the hospital and we praying again commending her to the oversight of Jesus Emmanuel our God and Savior with the same request of a Roman Officer to Jesus, "say the word and my servant will be healed". Evidently, that is what the Lord Jesus our Messiah did by His word of decree...2 hours later Aaron, Mary and Princess were in our home with clear bill of health after close internal examination only having an irritated place inside of her that was healing. See photo of Princess having just escaped the hospital and surgery.
Hallelujah, glorious impossible by the Right Hand of Jehovah our Savior and King;
See you soon,
Phil and Melody of Africa
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Bush, Village, Church, Teaching Christ
Friday thru Sunday was back to the Ministry (Servant Serving the Master, My Master Jesu Emmanuel Messias). Set up house, my new tent, thank you Most High of Heaven for stronger bush home with walk thru door and stand up room side to side, OHHH YEAH and a bed off the ground, cot strong enuff for even me...Glory!
Back to the Ministry (Servant Serving...opps already said that )...met with Pastor Costa Musena, and men he is training to serve the LORD of Glory Jehovah our very and certain Salvation, Lord and God Jesus. We looked carefully at what our life is when HE is our Life, eternal and just.
We also looked at Enoch....OHHH what a walk he must have had; then to glory without death, imagine that...never mind imagine it is true. Appointed to die once?.. yes but special job for him yet in Rev. 11 then death and triumph that will scare the wits out of the worshippers of the Beast and Prophet of the final worldly babylonian mystery kingdom. Well, we camped in Scripture on the joy of walking as Jesus walked that we may experience in our own life by HIS eternal Life in us...Hallelujah and Amen.
I love Jesus, Hallelujah, I love Jesus, yes I do.
See you again around the next corner of Ministry (Servant Serving the ....)well you know. Bye, mwende kabotu (y'all travel well)!
Phil of Zambia
Back to the Ministry (Servant Serving...opps already said that )...met with Pastor Costa Musena, and men he is training to serve the LORD of Glory Jehovah our very and certain Salvation, Lord and God Jesus. We looked carefully at what our life is when HE is our Life, eternal and just.
We also looked at Enoch....OHHH what a walk he must have had; then to glory without death, imagine that...never mind imagine it is true. Appointed to die once?.. yes but special job for him yet in Rev. 11 then death and triumph that will scare the wits out of the worshippers of the Beast and Prophet of the final worldly babylonian mystery kingdom. Well, we camped in Scripture on the joy of walking as Jesus walked that we may experience in our own life by HIS eternal Life in us...Hallelujah and Amen.
I love Jesus, Hallelujah, I love Jesus, yes I do.
See you again around the next corner of Ministry (Servant Serving the ....)well you know. Bye, mwende kabotu (y'all travel well)!
Phil of Zambia
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Ministry return to Africa Yes back from USA
Today we went to Simasiku for Victory Baptist Children Ministry. What a glorious reunion. Melody taught, Katie Rose who is with us for 2+ months gave a testimony and the children sang.
Little Lovia had a time deciding if she still trusted me...finally she came over to see and stayed for coloring time. As Phil of Duck Dynasty would say, so say I about being home in Zambia with our dearly beloved Zambians...HAAAPPYY, HAAAPPY, HAAAPPY!
Also see the video of the children singing "JESUS MAKES ME HAPPY" while bouncing around following Verinica, Pastor Jacob's wife. Glory to the Savior of mankind, specifically those that believe in repentance in HIM, Jesu Emmanuel Lord and Messiah....SORRY internet to slow to load...
Well stayed tuned for more than this one Story of Glory to the Most High Eternal Almighty Jehovah.
See u soon...
Also see the video of the children singing "JESUS MAKES ME HAPPY" while bouncing around following Verinica, Pastor Jacob's wife. Glory to the Savior of mankind, specifically those that believe in repentance in HIM, Jesu Emmanuel Lord and Messiah....SORRY internet to slow to load...
Well stayed tuned for more than this one Story of Glory to the Most High Eternal Almighty Jehovah.
See u soon...
Monday, February 4, 2013
Stay tuned, back to Africa this week!
Home Friday! Back with the beloved people of Zambia. Beginning new and more remote Gospel work in Barotzeland as soon as find the Toyota Land Cruiser the Lord only God and Savior has for us.
Well here a few photos of reminder of the work of Jesus in the past in which HE has allowed us to walk. People having never heard the Gospel, people never having seen a Texas (any Caucasian), people that sit in the darkness of Satan's distress on this earth.
Looking forward bringing fresh and exciting stories of new areas most remote. The Blessed Lord Jesus Emmanuel, having provided stronger transportation, will lead the way by HIS own Spirit most Holy. All we request from our friends in Jesus is prayer of support for protection and open hearts.

Till we meet again here at "African Missions on Biblical Steroids".
Phil and Melody Stephens
Psalms 23
Looking forward bringing fresh and exciting stories of new areas most remote. The Blessed Lord Jesus Emmanuel, having provided stronger transportation, will lead the way by HIS own Spirit most Holy. All we request from our friends in Jesus is prayer of support for protection and open hearts.

Till we meet again here at "African Missions on Biblical Steroids".
Phil and Melody Stephens
Psalms 23
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Lamb of God visible
In the ministry to Zambia, I am careful to teach our Pastors and Church leaders, Scriptural truth, and central to Truth is Jehovah who is the Lamb of God in flesh! That Lamb of God has been forefront to believers and the heathen since Abel prophesied HIM in Genesis 4.
Well, not sure how well we handle it here in USA, but men like Pastor Musena (in the short tie) clearly teach it to men like Victor Lubinda the newest disciple in the Zambian ministry to give his life to serve Jesu Kristo Emmanuel as a Servant Preacher of the Most High. (Victor is the one dressed for wall street business African bush??!!?...yup and all I kin sez is he ain't no redneck Texican lak I r).
Back in Africa February 8th...I love Jesus, HalleluJah, I love Jesus yes I do!
Well, not sure how well we handle it here in USA, but men like Pastor Musena (in the short tie) clearly teach it to men like Victor Lubinda the newest disciple in the Zambian ministry to give his life to serve Jesu Kristo Emmanuel as a Servant Preacher of the Most High. (Victor is the one dressed for wall street business African bush??!!?...yup and all I kin sez is he ain't no redneck Texican lak I r).
Back in Africa February 8th...I love Jesus, HalleluJah, I love Jesus yes I do!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Blogs back in session!
Wow, finally found a way to get back on my own blog. Thank you Lord Jesu Emmanuel Kristo (Zambian English).
This past Monday was humbled to be able to meet with David Richardson's Discipleship class at our home Church. The photo is of a group of men who desire to grow and mature in the Life and Light of our "great God and Savior, Jesus Christ" Titus 2:13.
We will be returning to our beloved Zambians February 6th. There are issues in Zambia that may cause some difficulty from our perspective...oh that we walk in Jehovah our deliverer's perspective.
Well, welcome back to the blog, will do our best to keep updates coming.
Sincerest regards, Phil Stephens
This past Monday was humbled to be able to meet with David Richardson's Discipleship class at our home Church. The photo is of a group of men who desire to grow and mature in the Life and Light of our "great God and Savior, Jesus Christ" Titus 2:13.
We will be returning to our beloved Zambians February 6th. There are issues in Zambia that may cause some difficulty from our perspective...oh that we walk in Jehovah our deliverer's perspective.
Well, welcome back to the blog, will do our best to keep updates coming.
Sincerest regards, Phil Stephens
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