We are, with mixed emotions, headed to States. Though we will miss our people here, we will be delighted to see those that we left behind to come this side.
One last salvo across the bow of Satan's hell bound 'ship' before we depart. Last weekend we went to a bush village that is given to darkness, witchcraft and the blinding deceit of that old Serpent.
Bondage of souls of men is the art of the great red Dragon. His kingdom is alive in death and the depths of wickedness. BUT and so we charge with the Sword of the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Scripture.
They agreed to a meeting. We taught and preached Jesus Christ for over an hour and half. 3 men asked to receive Christ. Then Sunday morning 2 of them plus 2 more came to Grace Baptist Church with us just down the 2 rut road at Kooma.
After preaching service of life with Christ, and promise of new heaven and earth, new body at His return, Romans Chapter 8, Isaiah51, Colossians 3 another one came to front of the Congregation calling out to the Lord Jesus to forgive him for drinking, witchcraft, beating drums (their word for witch doctor all night drunken reveling) and for Jesus to receive him and take his life to be a follower of the Redeemer.
Take that in the heart you old Devil! Jesus has "snared and taken" some more to HIMSELF!! Isaiah 28:7-13 (KJV to see the full import).
HIS servant,
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