Bible Zone: Enter with wonder!

Our dedication is to Jehovah our Salvation, Jesus the Christ our Lord and our God. This same dedication is by HIS work in us as we move at HIS direction in Zambia, Africa. Holiness by HIS Grace, the gift of eternal life in Jesus, is our desire for the Tribal People of Africa; that they may turn to HIM receiving forgiveness, remission of sin, just as we have received according to the Scripture.

Phil and Melody Stephens, Servants of Jesus the Christ

Monday, June 28, 2010

Last for a While

We are, with mixed emotions, headed to States. Though we will miss our people here, we will be delighted to see those that we left behind to come this side.

One last salvo across the bow of Satan's hell bound 'ship' before we depart. Last weekend we went to a bush village that is given to darkness, witchcraft and the blinding deceit of that old Serpent.

Bondage of souls of men is the art of the great red Dragon. His kingdom is alive in death and the depths of wickedness. BUT and so we charge with the Sword of the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Scripture.

They agreed to a meeting. We taught and preached Jesus Christ for over an hour and half. 3 men asked to receive Christ. Then Sunday morning 2 of them plus 2 more came to Grace Baptist Church with us just down the 2 rut road at Kooma.

After preaching service of life with Christ, and promise of new heaven and earth, new body at His return, Romans Chapter 8, Isaiah51, Colossians 3 another one came to front of the Congregation calling out to the Lord Jesus to forgive him for drinking, witchcraft, beating drums (their word for witch doctor all night drunken reveling) and for Jesus to receive him and take his life to be a follower of the Redeemer.

Take that in the heart you old Devil! Jesus has "snared and taken" some more to HIMSELF!! Isaiah 28:7-13 (KJV to see the full import).

HIS servant,

Monday, June 21, 2010

New Village Same Gospel & Love of God

Been absent, busy getting things in order here to come home to USA for furlough. Then infection set in. Common problem with cuts scrape and bacteria. Really got bad while in Habanyuka Valley this past weekend.

We found a new village off the beaten path. Many people there, small crowd of 30 or so people gathered and we preached the Gospel according to Isaiah the prophet. One man received Christ.

That evening, hand throbbing from infection but worth the pain, I picked a group of them and brought them to Victory Baptist Church. Again we preached Christ crucified, dying for our sins and risen from the dead.

These people called out that we must start a work of this Bible teaching in their are
a. Pastor Breyford Mwaanga agreed to bicycle to them each Sunday afternoon to hold Bible Study, 7 miles! Yeah, this is the work of Jehovah our Savior, Jesus Christ, amongst the children of men to bring them salvation from sin and death, giving them His eternal life...." "who gave Himself for our sins that He might deliver us from this present evil world...' Here we live and breath and have our being in HIM and HIM through us to "those that sit in darkness" who now "have seen a great Light" even Jesus in whom is Life.

See you tomorrow, Lord willing.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Let's Build A Place to Congregate

Mutinta, in Maluma Area, Baptist Church. A small Congregation of the assembly, with the heart of Jesus Christ who is the Head of the Church which is His body, Ephesians 1. Well, they needed a place to meet, so here they are building. I am not in the picture, not important. Someone had to operate the camera.

How about the Zambian ladder? Very effective if you are agile. Me, I stay on the ground. My job is to instruct in the construction, carry the lumber around, measure for the wall plates and trusses and teach them the whole council of the Scripture, lead them so we together may be servants of the most HIGH GOD, Jehovah, and preach the Gospel to every creature...climb that ladder, NOT! Not in this lifetime, and that ladder?... surely not in Heaven or on the new earth and in new Jerusalem.

Well, they are moving forward for Jesus so we shout in Texan praise Kiyippeeallelujahiaye! Jesus Christ our Lord is on the throne, the Right Hand and Strong Arm of the LORD, Psalm 98. The rodeo is on and bull ride of this old world is at 7 1/2 seconds...not to worry we will make 8 because Jesus made the rigging and His hand is over ours, wraps will not come loose. Got His promise on that John chapter 10. (If you do not understand the terminology, go to the world finals of bull riding this will get it then).

Regards in Christ the Lord,
Phil from Texas in Zambia...I do love it so!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Light in the Darkness

Overnight meeting, Sinamanjolo. Preaching to the people I love of the love of God for them. No light but the candle (of course the flash of the camera enhanced by Kodak Photo Edit) and the Light of the life of Jesus our Savior. O, the Light that is shed abroad in our hearts. O, the light of Christ that we pray will shine from us into the darkness of African culture. O, the Light that will drive the darkness of sin and shame from the hearts of men and women. O, Lord of hosts, Jehovah even Messiah who gave Himself for our sins, deliver us from this present evil world, from the love of the world, lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life. May our life be the Life of Christ in us, for us and through us that HE may be glorified.

Couple more pictures of the loved ones of the beloved Son of God in whom HE is well pleased.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Light is Seen In Darkness

This photo is expanding light. This is the ministry staff of Highway Baptist Church at Sinamanjolo. Pastor Costa in the green shirt is training the others to be servants, led by the Spirit of Christ. As they serve they also oversee the Church at Maluma.

This past Saturday we had an overnight meeting of Highway Baptist, Victory Baptist from Habanyuka and the Church at Maluma. Over 200 attended. The next morning at team from America came in, 2 souls came to Christ, and 7 were baptized. Glory of the Lord was present.

So we give thanks to the Lord Jesus for His unspeakable gift of eternal life and His allowing us to minister the Gospel to many who sit in darkness until the see a "great Light", Jesus Christ whom we serve.

In this blog is also a photo from this weekend, baptism.

Love of the Lord Jesus to all,

Friday, June 4, 2010

Not Missing in Action, Just in Action so Missing

Wow, been going day and night. Well another bright light in a dark land, Aaron Siazyombo. The picture is him introducing his wife to some guests we had at Kooma where he is the Pastor...totally UN Zambian. The Lord has blessed us with some real humble servants of the most high GOD. Aaron and Mary are among them. They have 2 precious girls Priscilla and Princess.

The other day I was going in to work on the building at Kooma and ran into (ok not literally) Aaron on his bicycle out visiting in the area. He had worked 12 hours the night before. I would just imagine the Lord's smiling down at His servant being seen with the good works of Jesus Christ effective in him!

Now I leave you with this thought. The Lord's School of Scripture has no graduation on this side of Heaven. Many graduate from a Bible College even Seminary with all kinds of degrees earned from curriculum designed by man. Then these same many find new ways to rehash what they learned at the feet of men for the rest of their ministry. I think we would do well to simply open that Blessed Old Book, get a good source for definitional study, bow in prayer to the Lord for teaching by His Holy Spirit and study over and over the words of that book while letting the books of man about the Bible gather some dust. No graduation from that school, til we see Jesus.