Sorry so long in writing, have been overwhelmed. My nephew is helping build a clinic next door to Victory Baptist Church in Habanyuka. I only have a month and 1/2 to get this organized. Plus we are in 2 other building projects at Kooma and Maluma with those Churches.
Yesterday at Habanyuka, Endless, mother of Blessing, girl with Cerebral Palsy, came to Church. She has been involved with witchcraft before coming to Christ 2 weeks ago. Well when we began singing the "Worshiping Song", she started to the front and was suddenly struck with crippling in her left leg. By the time she got to the front of Church, she could not walk and fell to the ground.
We work with people that have been in bondage for centuries to "power, signs and lying wonders" of Satan and his "mystery of iniquity" (read about it in II Thessalonians 2).
It was invitation time and another had come repenting of not being faithful to the Lord. When we got to Endless, she told us she was being tormented by evil spirits. When she tried to ask the Lord to deliver her from their torment she could not. She said they were holding her. Finally she did manage to call on the Lord, but was still smitten and could not stand. Now I was sure that she had "given place to the devil". There was something in her life that allowed the messengers of Satan to torment her physically.
After much prayer and as we were leaving she suddenly was released, by the hand of the Lord, from that sudden infirmity of wicked and foul spirits .
Friends, we are in a battle. To be effective, we must walk in light as Jesus is in light. His life is light and if we abide in Him and His words abide in us, we will have victory over the works of darkness. John 12:46, 15:7. If our walk is in His words, we can ask and He will do for us.
Praying, going, walking with Jesus "who died for our sins that He might deliver us from this present evil world" Galatians 1:1-3.
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