Well, the glory of the LORD came down and filled the Church at Habanyuka. As we were faithful to pray, visit and be servants of the most high GOD, Jesus, He met with us. Moving these men by HIS Spirit, they came running to greet us.
Later the teaching, worship, joy, singing and mighty praise calling on the our Lord and our God is still ringing Hallelujahs in my heart and I am sure in the hearts of HIS people.
So now just enjoy the choir as you check out the video. AND for the faint hearted, this is not dancing. If you think it is you simply do not know dancing in Zambia. This is calm, worshipful, respectful 'marching' (their word). They are 'marching' all over this valley with the Gospel. Why I'll be thanking God these people are moving with HIM. I have seen em so I am shouting YIPPEEALLALUJAH and HOSANNA!!!
More stories to come about this past Sunday of Grace, Glory and Power from the Blessed One who is worthy of all our praise and worship and our life of following HIM!
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