Bible Zone: Enter with wonder!

Our dedication is to Jehovah our Salvation, Jesus the Christ our Lord and our God. This same dedication is by HIS work in us as we move at HIS direction in Zambia, Africa. Holiness by HIS Grace, the gift of eternal life in Jesus, is our desire for the Tribal People of Africa; that they may turn to HIM receiving forgiveness, remission of sin, just as we have received according to the Scripture.

Phil and Melody Stephens, Servants of Jesus the Christ

Saturday, March 19, 2011

"Go ye therefore..."

Greetings from Zambia

As we teach and preach the Bible, our desire is the people of Churches planted by the Lord Jesus in our ministry, have the vision of Christ for the world. He said these things..."all power in heaven and earth is given me...go ye therefore and teach all nation...preach the Gospel (power of God for salvation) shall be witnesses unto me (so HE, Christ the Lord would be the One we teach them) the uttermost parts of the world!!!

Now this is not the complete charge the Jehovah who is our salvation, JESUS, left us in the scripture, just part of His words in Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20 and the Acts of the Apostles 1.

Today, as I was leaving Kooma, Albert elder man and disciple of the Lord Jesus in Grace Baptist Church there, said this to me, "we must go to other places far away and teach them who Jesus is because many do not know HIM"!!! Our conversation revolved around building a house for Pastor Aaron Siazyombo. And that when he is there with them full time, they could do the work of the ministry together thru out the week every week.

That statement out of the heart of a man that loves Jesus and has Jesus heart vision for the world, is the very essence of the Life of Christ formed in us.

Did I do that? NO, NO, NO! Only the Lord of Glory can move a man to have that vision of reaching the lost with the revealed Glory of our loving God by the Gospel as seen from Genesis 3 and 4.

More stories coming soon...don't move that dial.

Phil Stephens

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