Bible Zone: Enter with wonder!

Our dedication is to Jehovah our Salvation, Jesus the Christ our Lord and our God. This same dedication is by HIS work in us as we move at HIS direction in Zambia, Africa. Holiness by HIS Grace, the gift of eternal life in Jesus, is our desire for the Tribal People of Africa; that they may turn to HIM receiving forgiveness, remission of sin, just as we have received according to the Scripture.

Phil and Melody Stephens, Servants of Jesus the Christ

Friday, February 12, 2010

Bush Church work Kooma building

Not all Missions work is teaching and preaching. But it is all good! Today we went into the trackless bush to harvest timbers for building. As you can see from the photos there were no roads, no bush tracks, stumps must be cut to drive and not one forklift. Arm lift?... yep!

In the m
idst of this process, I kicked a rotten stump, my foot slipped, Achilles tendon stretched and I nearly went down. Albert, Head Man at Kooma and faithful Church member (Albert is the one with the charcoal, he burns charcoal to provide for his family), said something one rarely hears from Zambians. He said, "Phil don't break your leg, I love you. Be careful, we love you and want you near." Sometimes the LORD just grabs a tongue and gives me what I need to cheer the heart.

"Jesus, I love you and want you near." Phil

1 comment:

  1. While you harvest timber, I'm harvesting snow. Come get all you want. I have plenty for the taking! Hope your leg heals quickly.
