I have struggled a bit since last post. Just tired all the time, and a shelf fell on me, got problems with neck and shoulder. Not complaining cuz at 61 am thankful to be able to do anything, just has reduced my time in the bush villages where the action mostly is.
There is one other pressing matter that has occupied my time and will for a while. Have been working on series of Lessons for our Zambian Pastors, leaders and anyone who wants to seriously minister for Jesu Kristo here in Zambia. Am on Lesson 30 at the moment and it is an effort to declare Jesu from Genesis to Revelation as Jehovah who is our Savior, our deliverer.
I am not a desk kind of guy, not a writer by choice, but this has been a direction the Lord has led me and it has been revolutionary, by their testimony, in the lives of those who have used it. It is 99.5% internal Scriptural evidence with a very small addition from generally accepted history, less than a 1/2 %. Enuff of that!
Yesterday, Pastor Kebby Malamo and his wife, Etambuyu met with me to determine their agreement for Kebby to go to our bush works for some days each month for training leadership. Etambuyu is a city girl like Melody, my wife. Bush jest ain't her thang! Opps my Texas jumped out before I cud stop it.
I told them to consider and pray over how much he could be gone without harming their home life, personal and family. I gave them a week or so to pray and discuss the issue, went to get them a sandwich and something to drink and Etambuyu was saying something to Kebby in Lozi. I caught all the words, but no understanding with my Texas mind.
When the old man returned to the table Kebby said Etambuyu had made her position clear as a Preacher/Evangelist's wife. When they married, Kebby was going for a week at a time to Evangelize. She knew it was right. What ever time he needed to strenghthen our ministry was good for her. The Lord had prepared her already to stand by Kebby and the ministry of Christ in which we labor together.
This is one step closer to the people we minister with, not needing me as they serve Christ from the heart. Our end goal is disciples of the Lamb of God, our blessed Redeemer, not disciples of man or man's religion.
Now we will not allow him long absences from home, but maybe 3 times for 4-5 days per trip every 2 months he will go to the Habbanyuku valley to train up leadership for the 2 churches there. Meanwhile he is at our home translating our material into Tonga and Lozi.
This morning Kebby came in the gate singing "I sing because I'm happy, I sing because I'm

free...." .....strange..?... naw, just glad to be free to serve the LORD JESUS who made Kebby free from sin and because HIS eye watches Kebby....I aked him!
Here is picture of Kebby with the smile of the Life of Christ shining out to a lost and dying world.
Well, am going to Habbanyuka tomorrow, maybe a new story for the pages of God's book regarding HIS work among the children of men!
Barely Sanctified by the Crucified, Fully Justified by the Resurrected.
Your servant for Christ, Phil