Will any come forward...we preached Christ Jesus the only Savior, Deliverer from sin to His righteousness...4 verses of song so far no response to invitation to believe on Him who died for us...oh here is one, was sure there are some here who had not yet repented to the Lord and had faith in in Jesus Christ.....This is typical in Church services here in villages of the bush. They do not usually respond quickly at closing hymn when they are invited to come forward and publicly call on the Lord for forgiveness of sin and deliverance from Satan by believing Christ for new birth, new Life, His life in them.
NOT NAKUMPATU!!! Sunday morning, as the closing song first started 8 precious souls came forward, immediately, no hesitation, now now as they say in vernacular English...I mean right NOW...Pastor Kebby had given the plea for them to receive Jesus.
I had taught and preached Christ who died for our sins and is new Life for any that call upon HIM for deliverance from the power of Satan and darkness. I preached they must have a sorrowful repentant heart toward the only Most High God and Savior and call on HIM the Lord, Jesus Christ, with obedient faith in Him to forgive their sins and give them HIS righteousness and His eternal Life.
HERE THEY COME! Pastor Kebby had started singing with his eyes still closed from praying after extending the invitation for them to come forward receiving Christ as Savior, Redeemer, Lord, Master. His eyes popped wide open as he heard the foot steps of those rushing forward to proclaim faith in Jesus! He told me later he was not sure what was happening, he had never seen it like this before.
8 came, one to give thanks to Jesus for saving him. 7 said they had come forward because they wanted the Lord, Jesus Christ, to be their Savior and with all their heart wanted to follow ONLY HIM forever!!
YEAH, GLORY, HALLELUJAH, these people were rejoicing...joy did abound, Almighty God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob was exalted in Praise, Jehovah our Salvation, that would be JESU CHRISTU, was seen the Captain of our Salvation, the Word of Life...well I could go on about HIM the King of Kings, Lord of lords, Everlasting Father, Prince of peace...I mean where do we stop in praising HIM for being our Truth, the Way, the Life that is the Light of the World.........
Oh by the way, our newest ministry from Victory Baptist Church in the Habbanyuka Valley, Victory Care for the Vulnerable, is moving under the direction of Javist Mukua. The picture is an old man of Nakupatu receiving blankets for him and his wife. What a joy to help the needy in the Holy name of Jesus, Lord God Messiah!
Phil signing off to see why we have had no water supply at home for 2 days...just another African adventure!