It came to mind as I looked in her know, the song "Isn't the Love of Jesus something wonderful...wonderful it is to me". There she sat, one of Melody's Little Bible Students at Kooma Basic School.
We traveled 1 1/2 hours from home, 30 + kilometers in the bush (during rain season, closer route in dry season), to reach this place...week after week! It is the 5th school in which Melody has taught Bible since we moved here.
Today, Melody had to step out of class while they were coloring, and I got to sit with them. Nicodemus and Jesus were getting some Zambian styling, bush concept. The precious babes of the bush villages had just heard the story of the Love of Jesus for this wicked, cheating little man who climbed a tree looking for something more that riches and fortune.
Then she looked up at me...smiled...yeah you got it, I thought of the wonderful marvelous love of the Blessed Lord of creation who became a man, the very and only begotten Son of God, to be our sacrificail Lamb shedding His own blood to wash our sins away. That same love so overwhelmed my sweet Melody and me, that we came here so this little bush girl could know HIS GREAT LOVE!
Now that is Praise to the LORD, Praise from earth to heaven, Praise ye the LORD. From Texas to bush pardise lost; but now regained by children of the bush thru the Holy Light of Heaven, even our Eternal Life, Jesu Christu, Jehovah our Redeemer, Savior Father, Friend o
f Sinners: for His Glory sake...Praise the LORD, Praise the LORD!
Yeah and Hallelujah, 'Isn't the Love of Jesus Wonderful'? Look at this face and argue...WOWEEEE I do love it so!