Welcome, have been away from home in Zambia for a while but now back and the stories of the work of Yahweh our LORD and God even Jesus Deliverer Messiah abound. First story from the bush ministry now!
Trouble had been brewing as Satan stirred his seething pot of darkness in the heart of a man at the Church in Sinamanjolo. When Melody and I arrived, Pastor Costa Musena (with family on the left, picture taken 2 days ago) told me that one of the "leaders", Eliot, in the Church had threatened him with death.
Eliot told all the faithful that if they came to Church, Costa would be killed. They, for fear of Costa's life, stayed home for 2 weeks. He also told Costa that before the old white man(that would be me) returned, Costa would be dead and dried. As you can see from the photo Costa is alive and quite hydrated.
The story goes that this man with a heart of murder and evil got his childhood friend, Preston, to go with him to beat Costa. As they walked to Costa's home, the follower saw a fiery sight ahead (no bush fires at this time of year and no fires in the area) and realized he was following to fight against the LORD, most high God. He told his long time friend that they were friends no more and went back to his home.
The next day as the instigator continued his evil plot, alone now, Preston repenting of the wicked scheme came to Costa, confessed the story, apologized, asked forgiveness from the LORD and Costa and said, "I was deceived by Eliot that you should not be Pastor. He has been rebellious from the start, I will never listen to him and the Devil again. When I saw the fiery vision I knew it was a warning from the LORD".
In the process, the LORD had already given Costa great peace that he was safe. Costa visited the homes of the faithful last week and assured them he was in the LORD's hands and for them to return to Church, he had no fear of death! They all were encouraged and even some who were faithful in the past, hearing this, said now that the truth regarding Eliot was clearly seen (they had known his devious ways for years) would return to the Church they loved.
There are more elements of the Grace of God in this story and HIS direct touch from heaven on Costa and the people. But I choose to let them be known when you see Jesus, miracle on miracles. JUST LOOK INWARD AND CHECK YOUR OWN LIFE IF IT BE SURRENDERED FULLY TO CHRIST JESUS. IF SO THAT IS SALVATION PROMISED TO THE REAL BELIEVER. CHRIST IN US, HIS LIFE BECOME OURS!!!
Stay tuned to the channel of stories of the mighty work of God among the children of men.