Bible Zone: Enter with wonder!

Our dedication is to Jehovah our Salvation, Jesus the Christ our Lord and our God. This same dedication is by HIS work in us as we move at HIS direction in Zambia, Africa. Holiness by HIS Grace, the gift of eternal life in Jesus, is our desire for the Tribal People of Africa; that they may turn to HIM receiving forgiveness, remission of sin, just as we have received according to the Scripture.

Phil and Melody Stephens, Servants of Jesus the Christ

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ministry That Rips The Heart

Her name is Blessed. She is nearly 3 years old. She was born in adversity, oxygen deprived, now living with Cerebral Palsy. Her mother's name is Anolty.

She has been to several clinics and 2 hospitals for evaluation. They had no clue so told mother she was just undernourished.

When I heard the story, I realized what the problem is. I explained the difficulty to her family and told them to feed her a protein diet to help her develop as much as possible. I also told them her intelligence may be just fine and to teach her just as they teach others. Her speech may be distorted, but they could learn her language.

Thru this anguish, the mother has been coming to Church and this past Sunday, she come forward and said, "Today I now understand I must receive Jesus as my Savior. I must give my life to Him and believe in Him with all my heart." Then she bowed her head and asked the Lord to forgive her sins and take her life and come live with her. No prompting, just the plea of a repentant heart for deliverance from sin to salvation.

Adversity turned to glory, shame to joy, trials to eternal life in Christ.

"Yeah, dear Lord Jesus, just give me a few more years to see your glorious work among the children of men."

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Door Frame

Where is Door Frame? He is leading the next song.
Yes, his name is Door Frame, it was his Grandfather's name and became his name when his Grandi died.

Half blind, poor, no family living to his knowledge...loves the Lord. Precious in HIS sight!

Was told by the family he was staying with that if he went back to Victory Baptist Church in Habanyuka they would beat him. Asked one of our members, Ba Javist, what he should do. Javist asked him if he wanted to keep coming to our Church. Door Frame said yes and Javist told him to follow what he knew the Lord wanted. So he is still with us and now lives with Ba Javist.

Below is Door Frame leading Tonga song "We Shall See Jesus Coming in the Clouds". No wonder I love what I do! Glory to God I do love it so!

PS Tried to load video but our internet service is lousy.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Old Ones Serving Jesus

3 sisters, youngest on your right was a witchdoctor, now walking in light of Christ having repented of the darkness of Satan. Eldest in the middle, remember her story from a few weeks ago? Faithful to the Lord Jesus.

The one on your left is the middle sister. The eldest and youngest brought her to church! Brought her to hear the words of Christ. Brought her that she may hear, Jesus saves!

These are the faces from 3 generations ago in Africa. The youngest was born in 1942, and when she was a young girl, the eldest was already married. That would make her in her 80's at least. She and middle sister do not know their ages.

Well, they have been reached by and taught of Jesus Christ. How God must love them, to have them know that there is salvation for those in darkness...they have seen that great light, even the promised ONE, Messiah, the Lord Jesus.

I thank the LORD for allowing me to be a part of HIS work for these old, precious people in Africa.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Joy Of The Work Of Christ

I first met her over
a year ago. She came to Sunday morning Church meeting at Kooma. She is a Machabela, elder woman.
When invitation came, 3 Machabelas came forward, she is the youngest. One by one we spoke with them and they said they were coming to give their lives to Jesus and repenting of drunkeness, lying, stealing and prostitution.
Of the 3, she has continued faithful. This past Sunday she came forward asking the Lord to help her live so others could see Christ in her. She was asking the Lord to guide her to be like Jesus.
Now what about that! Dear Lord, I do love what you allow me to do...tell your story of love and forgiveness. Thank you, Jesus.

Signed, Phil

Friday, April 9, 2010

See What The LORD Has Done!

Let's go, the kids are waiting. So away we went to Melody's ministry at Kooma school. This is our last meeting with them for the term.

Now at the end of each term, I preach and we give an invitation. No arm twisting, no generic do you believe in Jesus, just serious preaching based on the teaching Jesus Christ throughout the term.

Well I preached, we had 14 profess the Lord Jesus as their Savior. Many more came forward but they came because the older kids came. It is discerning and knowing your people. It is understanding their culture. So I was convinced that 14 students were fully persuaded to receive Christ in repentant obedient faith.

Now we know that it is the thought of the heart that the LORD sees and that is what counts. So our number may well be different than HIS, but at the end of the DAY, the increase is HIS, we just plant and wat
er. All that counts is a Christ saved life, eternal life in the true believer, the very life of Christ in them. Melody and I are but messengers, servants of the most high GOD, Jehovah who is our salvation, Jesus the Messiah...HE who is anointed to save HIS people from their sins and restore all things unto Himself.

Halleluyippeeia...OH WHAT A SAVIOR!!! He is who this old Texas redneck is talking about.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Home Area, Same Story, Christ!

Forgot my camera. So the photo is out of archives from the remote area of this story. We arrived this past weekend and visited the home area of Funwell (they call him Funy, seriously). He had invited us to come when I spoke at the funeral of his Dad a few weeks ago.

We arrived and soon had over 25 gathered to hear of Christ. After teaching Christ for about 45 minutes, they asked some questions. More to the point they spoke of accusations that we were of Satan. These accusations came from other Churches in the valley.

Here is the irony. These Churches had been established beginning in 1945, then mostly abandoned with little teaching. They are infested with witchcraft, ancestral spirit worship, familiar spirits of Deuteronomy 18 and other scriptures. They practice the arts of divination and black magic while using the name Jesus. Charms, beads, idols...they have long gone after other gods, just the same as the spiritually adulterous Israel did over and over. AND THEY ACCUSE US OF BEING SATANISTS.

These Churches have burned each others building and homes. Yeah that is spiritual evil!

Well, I told them we are in good company. Jesus was accused of working with the devil. So what could we expect. Here was Funwell's answer: "...and we know the truth, because you have come with only Jesus...". You see, the Bible is correct after all is said and done. Jesus said He is the way, the truth and the when we simply show HIM to others the truth, Jesus, sets captives free, we are freed from lies and HE is glorified.

Many came from that home area to Church Sunday morning, believing that Christ is the Savior. Glory to God in the HIGHEST! On earth, peace with Jehovah comes by Jesus Messiah the Lord, Jehovah who is our Savior.